First Lady’s Office
Shortly after the Governor gave his State of the State address, received some emails from the “Office of the First Lady” informing us that Mrs. Her Honor Jessica Doyle would be touring the state on behalf of education. In fact, students were invited to log in to the First Lady’s website to find out “Where is Jessica Doyle?” based on posted clues.
Instead, milwaukeeworld wondered “Where is Jessica Doyle funding the Office of the First Lady?”
We called the Governor’s office, and asked for the budget and expenditures for the Office of the First Lady.
Alas, despite the lofty title in the emails from the Governor’s office announcing the peregrinations and press availability of his spouse, the Office of First Lady does not exist.
According to Nate Zolik, the Assistant Legal Counsel to the Governor (truly a “Lawyer’s Lawyer,”) “there is no separate budget for First Lady Jessica Doyle, and … any expenditures attributable to Mrs. Doyle are not accounted for separately.”
Is this yet another instance of heterosexuals claiming special rights and special treatment simply because the State allows them to be legally married? Would a gay governor be permitted to allow his or her domestic associate to dash off press releases at the public’s expense?
“Where is the Governor’s Lover?”
Likely not.
Furthermore, why should Jessica Doyle, among all women in the state, be afforded access to a press relations staff at taxpayer expense? Many wives do wonderful things, but must toil in anonymity since taxpayers would scoff at paying money to hear about their good deeds. Could it be that Jessica Doyle’s taxpayer funded adventures are, in fact, politically motivated?
Perhaps Jessica Doyle is entitled to taxpayer funded publicity – we welcome the Governor’s arguments on this matter — but to get it merely because of her position as First Lady – an office that the State Constitution does not recognize – seems an affront to all women, and to all taxpayers in this State.
Most importantly, though, it is an insult to the Constitution of this Once Great State. Abolish the imaginary Office of First Lady! What next? Will we be expected to support a Royal Family and Court?
The Roundup
Conservative Power Rises in Senate
May 18th, 2015 by Steven Walters
Buffett Tour on Hold
Jun 27th, 2005 by Michael Horne
Museum’s Wish List
Jun 20th, 2005 by Michael Horne