Content referencing Paula DeStefanis

Little Art Winning Big in Cedarburg “Little Show” Exhibit Winners Announced
WMSE Art & Music event to feature live painting, music
Press Release

WMSE Art & Music event to feature live painting, music

All of the proceeds of the evening will go toward supporting WMSE and help the station continue the work it does to support the local arts community.

Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Mary L. Nohl Fund for Individual Artists Suitcase Export Fund Launches Fifteenth Funding Cycle
Press Release

Greater Milwaukee Foundation’s Mary L. Nohl Fund for Individual Artists Suitcase Export Fund Launches Fifteenth Funding Cycle

The Suitcase Export Fund is open to practicing artists residing within the four-county area who want to export their work beyond the area for public display.

Paint Your Art Out: Live Painting Event, Exhibit & Artist Celebration Fundraiser
Press Release

Paint Your Art Out: Live Painting Event, Exhibit & Artist Celebration Fundraiser

Ten southeast Wisconsin artists are slated to participate in the events and exhibit.