Content referencing Keith Spore

Murphy’s Law: Remembering Stuart Carlson
Murphy’s Law

Remembering Stuart Carlson

One of the great editorial cartoonists, who became too controversial for Journal Sentinel, dies at age 66.

What’s It Worth?: Goodbye, Journal Sentinel Printing Plant
What’s It Worth?

Goodbye, Journal Sentinel Printing Plant

State of the art when opened in 2003, worth $16 million in 2016, plant will no longer print papers and may eventually be sold.

Plenty of Horne: Journal Sentinel 20 Years Later
Plenty of Horne

Journal Sentinel 20 Years Later

What is it about April Fool's Day? 20 years after the Journal-Sentinel merger comes its absorption into a chain of dailies.

The Roundup: How Did Peggy Know?
The Roundup

How Did Peggy Know?

Over Cocktails in 2001, then-A.G. Candidate Peg Lautenschlager Said Rival would be Indicted

Murphy’s Law: Is There a Local Connection to Arab Terrorists?
Murphy’s Law

Is There a Local Connection to Arab Terrorists?

For years, some experts have asserted that the United States is harboring Muslim terrorists, and it appears that even Milwaukee may have connections to this network.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Rise and Fall of Polly Williams

Time was when Rep. Annette Polly Williams (D-Milwaukee) was the star of the conservative talk circuit.