Content referencing Charles Collins

Black City Residents Still More Likely to Be Stopped, Frisked by Police

Black City Residents Still More Likely to Be Stopped, Frisked by Police

Report finds Black drivers 4.5 times more likely to get stopped than white drivers.

Racial Disparities Found in Safer-At-Home Arrests

Racial Disparities Found in Safer-At-Home Arrests

The vast majority of those cited for violations of the order were Black.

ACLU Pushes City On Stop-and-Frisk

ACLU Pushes City On Stop-and-Frisk

“Little progress,” group charges, on $3.4 million court settlement and mandated reform of police practices.

ACLU Attempts to End Stop-And-Frisk Policing

ACLU Attempts to End Stop-And-Frisk Policing

While at the same time, President Trump praises stop-and-frisk policing.

Will Settlement Change Police Practices?

Will Settlement Change Police Practices?

Community leaders hope ACLU suit’s settlement will improve cops’ interactions with minorities.

Council Backs $3.4 Million to Settle Suit

Council Backs $3.4 Million to Settle Suit

ACLU sued over police “stop and frisk” practices from 2010 to 2017.

Milwaukee Common Council approves historic settlement with ACLU, with sweeping police reforms to end unconstitutional stops and frisks of Black and Latinx people
Press Release

Milwaukee Common Council approves historic settlement with ACLU, with sweeping police reforms to end unconstitutional stops and frisks of Black and Latinx people

Agreement would require Milwaukee to overhaul police department policies, training, supervision, accountability, and community engagement

City Hall: Stop-and-Frisk Suit Could Cost $6 Million
City Hall

Stop-and-Frisk Suit Could Cost $6 Million

Council members struggle with the rising price tag. Will they approve settlement?

ACLU Suit Challenges Milwaukee Police

ACLU Suit Challenges Milwaukee Police

Charges key technique, “tens of thousands" of police stops, is unconstitutional.

ACLU Challenges Milwaukee Police Department’s Unconstitutional Stop-and-Frisk Program Conducted Without Reasonable Suspicion and Based on Racial Profiling
Press Release

ACLU Challenges Milwaukee Police Department’s Unconstitutional Stop-and-Frisk Program Conducted Without Reasonable Suspicion and Based on Racial Profiling

For the Last Eight Years, the Milwaukee Police Department Has Subjected Tens of Thousands of Innocent People to Unconstitutional Stops and Frisks, Disrupting Their Daily Lives Because They Are Black or Latino