Arn Pearson, Executive Director, Center for Media and Democracy.

Content referencing Arn Pearson

Suit Charges ALEC Unlawfully Helps Republicans

Suit Charges ALEC Unlawfully Helps Republicans

Nonprofit's help to GOP politicians in Wisconsin, other states, violates its tax status?

Watchdogs Filing Complaints in 15 States Against ALEC for Illegal Campaign Scheme
Press Release

Watchdogs Filing Complaints in 15 States Against ALEC for Illegal Campaign Scheme

Complaints by CMD, Common Cause, and Alliance for a Better Utah allege that ALEC illegally gave sophisticated voter management campaign software linked to the RNC worth $6 million in the 2020 elections to its legislative members.

CMD Joins 300+ Groups in Call for Companies to Quit ALEC Over Voter Suppression Bills
15+ Wisconsin Lawmakers May Attend ALEC Annual Meeting in Orlando Amid Spiking Coronavirus Cases
Your Right to Know: Kaul Embraces Opens Records Policy
Your Right to Know

Kaul Embraces Opens Records Policy

State Attorney General settles lawsuit, changes predecessor's policy of withholding emails.

CMD Wins Reversal of Restrictive DOJ Public Records Policy
Press Release

CMD Wins Reversal of Restrictive DOJ Public Records Policy

Group obtains more than 3,000 records relating to former Attorney General Schimel’s war on the Affordable Care Act

Attorney General Schimel Withholds Documents Related to His Legal War Against the Affordable Care Act
Press Release

Attorney General Schimel Withholds Documents Related to His Legal War Against the Affordable Care Act

CMD files suit to obtain public records from Wisconsin DOJ

Op Ed: Please Rescind Walker’s Open Records Award
Op Ed

Please Rescind Walker’s Open Records Award

Letter to state Freedom of Information Council cites governor’s poor record on “Openess."