Joshua Charles

Recent Articles

Retro Read: One Hundred Years of Solitude
Retro Read

One Hundred Years of Solitude

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 1967 novel provokes reflection on the repetitive nature of history and whether we in any way control the evolution of society.

LGBT Film Fest preview: Undertow
LGBT Film Fest preview


"Undertow" masterfully illustrates the conflicting dichotomy between being a man – as defined by rigid tradition – and recognizing the true nature of oneself.

MFF’10 Preview:Ajami
MFF’10 Preview


With their debut film, Scandar Copti and Yaron Shani create a riveting drama that typifies human normalcy in a largely misunderstood part of the world.

Humor, grit and good music: “Snatch” turns 10
Humor, grit and good music

“Snatch” turns 10

Slick camera work, a driving soundtrack and a tough-as-nails cast: Guy Ritchie's film was the re-birth of cool for Generation X.