Jeramey Jannene

Fonz Wins, Brenner Leaving Town

By - Jan 24th, 2008 08:41 pm

My sources, namely Twitter, tell me that Mike Brenner and his Hotcakes Gallery will soon be a part of Milwaukee history.  The eccentric gallery owner promised to close his gallery and leave Milwaukee if the Fonz statue was fully funded.  Well I haven’t heard for sure that that has happened yet other than from Brenner, but it’s more or less inevitable at this point.  Brenner has announced that July 3rd will be the last day to purchase artwork at Hotcakes Gallery.

Brooks Barrow, owner of the Brooks Barrow Gallery in the Third Ward, vowed to leave town if Brenner did.  I’m awaiting to see what Brooks has to say.

Personally, I think Brenner is acting pretty unreasonable about the entire thing.  I guess if you need a scapegoat to close your business, opposing a bronze statue of a Milwaukee legend is a good route to go.

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3 thoughts on “Fonz Wins, Brenner Leaving Town”

  1. Nick Aster says:

    It’s such a pity that this has caused such an uproar. I think the statue is hilarious and I’m totally for it. So what if it’s totally kitsch? Two points for the first person to place a shark underneath it.

  2. J Morgs says:

    I think the statue is just fine, not my cup of tea, but for many a schlemeel or schlamazel, it’s heaven.
    There’s a whole lot more people in Milwaukee who will pay homage to the Fonz, than they will Brenner OR Barrow. And I’ll bet you won’t find them laying ultimatums to the B&B BOYS about what kind of art they should support.
    Really now, are the B&B BOYS so filled with self import that they actually think people care if they leave or stay? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy your new home Boys. . . and I do mean BOYS.

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