State Rep. Bob Donovan
Press Release

Two more shootings – when will Milwaukee wake up?

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan February 20, 2017

By - Feb 20th, 2017 11:13 am

If I sound a bit frustrated in this statement, it is because I am.

While visiting friends in Texas, I was informed of two shootings in my district. According to police, each of the shootings appears to be related to drug and gang activity.

So what else is new?

For the past two years we’ve seen homicides at near record levels, and now during 2017 we’re not doing any better. To be clear, this homicide trajectory in the wrong direction comes six months after the Common Council announced a comprehensive public safety plan.

Numerous shootings and homicides – and car thefts – yet our public safety plan has been gathering dust on the shelf. It is a common sense plan, but apparently it’s not politically correct. I’m told we are waiting for another safety plan from the Office of Violence Prevention that will be launched this summer.

Milwaukee used to have an “Office of Violence Prevention” — called the Milwaukee Police Department.

Milwaukee is great at holding workshops and fairs and seminars, but nothing seems to result from them. Until our city fathers have the guts and determination to make the tough decisions (and take the tough actions that are needed), I see no reason to have any optimism that things will change for the better.

The criminals love political correctness – to them it signals open season, and “time to get busy.”

When will we recognize the difference between activity and results?

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release



  1. Brad Krause says:

    Nice far-right dog whistle at the end there, BOB. Next time, try 1) Summarizing the aspects of the public safety plan you find egregious, then 2) intelligently explain why you disagree with them.
    Dismissive screeds tossed off like this don’t do your constituents any good. If you can’t put any substance into something you crapped out in 5 minutes, how can we expect substance from you elsewhere?

  2. Jim M says:

    Well Bob, you are one of the City fathers, do something about it instead of just making a lot of noise.
    All you’ve done for years is just throw stones. Now your the Chair of the Safety Committee, that would indicate that you have a lot of clout, use it.

  3. Eric J says:

    As much as this situation is abhorrent how could the M.P.D. control it ? Cops on every street corner ? How many would we need more than we already have ? The proliferation and theft of firearms isn’t helping. The unabated availabilty of firearms in Milwaukee / Waukesha county is what is a ” politically correct” situation. What is your ” guts & determination ” plan ? Lock up more offenders and send more youth to Lincoln Hills / Copper Lake ?

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