One Wisconsin Institute
Press Release

Trump Election Integrity Commission Disbanded

Sham Commission is Gone, But Shame of Republicans Who Stood By While Voters Rights Were Attacked Remains

By - Jan 4th, 2018 03:01 pm
Donald Trump. Photo from

Donald Trump. Photo from

MADISON, Wis. — A federal commission on “election integrity”, announced with much fanfare by Donald Trump in 2017, was disbanded on Wednesday. It’s inception was based on the provably false claim by Trump that massive impropriety was the reason he lost the popular vote for President in 2016 by roughly 3 million votes.

While the commission produced no report it was criticized, and sued, for demanding states turn over voters’ sensitive personal information.

The following are the statements of One Wisconsin Institute Executive Director Scot Ross:

“From the start this commission was another tactic by Republicans to advance the real fraud in our electoral system, partisan politicians manipulating the rules on voting to gain an unfair advantage.

“Republicans have shown that they’re willing to deny the rights of legal voters to try to win elections and maintain their grasp on power.

“Here in Wisconsin Gov. Walker and the Republican legislature have waged war on voting rights since the day they took complete control of state government, passing legislation found by federal courts to be intentionally discriminatory against minority voters.

“But when Donald Trump’s commission demanded sensitive personal information about every single voter in Wisconsin, Walker and his accomplices sat silently by.

“While this sham commission may be gone, the shame of those who stood by while voter rights were attacked, like Gov. Walker and Attorney General Schimel, remains.”

One Wisconsin Institute is a non-partisan, progressive research and education organization dedicated to a Wisconsin with equal economic opportunity for all.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. Ben says:

    The writer of this press release needs to be let go. Seriously poor content.

    Waste of time.

  2. PMD says:

    Yes the voter suppression commission was a waste of time. Couldn’t agree more.

  3. TransitRider says:

    The GOP has, for years, claimed “widespread voter identity fraud” necessitated voter ID laws, but they have NEVER produced ANY examples of that “widespread” fraud.

    Now, even with all the resources of the federal government at their disposal (and even with at least some states fully cooperating) they STILL couldn’t come up with a SINGLE example.

    It’s time to admit that there is no “widespread voter identity fraud” at all and that the purpose of today’s voter ID laws (the ones that only require non-drivers to get a new ID) is voter suppression—in that non-drivers tend to be poorer, less white, and less likely to vote Republican.

  4. ERIC J. says:

    Trump says : ” Mostly Democrat states refused to turn over voter information requested ” -( Wisconsin being one of them -shame on you Scott Walker ) .

    -Another outright Trump LIE. ( To Trump :Try saying something that isn’t so easily disproven )

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