Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
Press Release

Speaker Vos Statement on the Redistricting Ruling

“There are only two things that are certain about this case: it’s unprecedented and it isn’t over.”

By - Nov 21st, 2016 04:44 pm

Madison…Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) released the following statement regarding the federal redistricting ruling.

“There are only two things that are certain about this case:  it’s unprecedented and it isn’t over. The ruling can and should be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The state of Wisconsin has competitive legislative districts that meet every traditional principle of redistricting. Republicans win elections because we have better candidates and a better message that continues to resonate with the voters.

“The court has essentially created a brand new test that is significantly flawed and is an encroachment by the court into the legislature’s duties. The new standard ignores Wisconsin’s political geography where Democrats are naturally clustered in urban centers like Milwaukee and Madison.  We remain fully confident that the maps were constitutional when adopted, and will remain so when this case is finally concluded.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release



  1. Kevin Baas says:

    Unless you include party preference in the st and 14th amendments.

    But why would anyone do that?

    Clearly the founders of our country weren’t really all that concerned about different beliefs having proportional representation in congress. You know, when they’re taxed.

    There was never any dispute about taxation or representation, or having your political power abridged based on your beliefs, religious or otherwise.

    I can’t imagine how any I that would play into constitutional law, such as the 1st amendment which explicitly grants the right of petition, or the 14th which grants equal protection under the law, and one person one vote.

    No, nothing at all cones to mind…

  2. Let’s return to the real world. There will be briefs from both sides, a judicial response and a probable appeal by the state government, which has lost a great many of these at taxpayer expencse. Then there will be arguments over new maps and if needed new elections, including debates on legitimacy of certain laws, so this will take months and ups and downs for both sides. Though this was a national election and the gerrymandering of districts doesn’ involvet statewide races, it clearly does. There is an impact on hopes for success and on turnout. If there is a natural divide between urban and rural, this made it worse and unnatural. In the real world this is terrible news for Vos and the makers of warped maps.

  3. I stand slight corrected. The various motions stay with this panel and then go directly to SCOT
    US, but still a long ways off

  4. Jason says:

    Is this all about diversity? Currently, 11 of 32 Senators are women. Two senators are African American. One is a proud and respectful homosexual. Yet, we find this current group of Senators unconstitutional. Interesting, will people be angry when we white wash and hetrosexualize this batch in 2020.

  5. Jason says:

    What ever happened to diversity? 11 of 32 Senators are women. Two are African American and one Senator is a proud homosexual. So what gives, must we white wash, masculize and hetrosexualize in 2020.

  6. Tom D says:

    Jason, this ruling deals specifically with the Assembly, not the Senate.

  7. Vincent Hanna says:

    Try again Jason. This time one post will suffice, and maybe it can make sense. Just a thought.

  8. jason says:

    Server was stuck sorry about the duplicate. I am surprised that few want to notice this diversity. Could we add more, yes but most public or corporate boardrooms are not this diverse.

  9. happyjack27 says:

    This has nothing to do with diversity. This is about people’s voting power not being weakened on the basis of their beliefs.

  10. Vincent Hanna says:

    Jason how exactly are you connecting corporate boardrooms to redistricting?

  11. Dr. J says:

    Using a republican Iowa lawmakers proposed bill language, I’d like to say to Vos: “Suck it up Buttercup!”. Just like the election, the court has made it’s ruling. Deal with it.

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