Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

Robin Vos Agrees “100%” The Potential Loss of Food Aid Was An “Alarmist Talking Point”


By - Apr 17th, 2021 09:47 am

(MADISON) — In an interview with Jay Weber yesterday, GOP Assembly Speaker Robin Vos agreed with the radio host that the recent scare over Wisconsinites potentially losing $70 million in federal food aid was just an “alarmist talking point.” [11:47]

Thanks to a lawsuit brought on by Republican allies, millions of dollars in federal food assistance for more than 400,000 families was in jeopardy up until this week when Gov. Evers reached a deal with the federal government. The ripple effects of that loss in aid could have devastated communities and hurt the food industry.

Vos also accused Democrats of using “zoom cocktail parties” and being out of touch with voters. While they don’t usually involve cocktails, Gov. Evers has been holding #BadgerBounceback Live Sessions to discuss each aspect of his agenda with Wisconsinites. These sessions have provided the governor with opportunities to hear directly from Wisconsin families and workers on the topics within the governor’s budget that impact them and their communities.

Meanwhile, Republicans, led by Vos, have failed to listen to Wisconsinites. They have spent their time playing political games with food aid and pandemic relief, and passing legislation to spend $3.2 billion in relief funding in ways that may not be permitted under the American Rescue Plan Act – potentially slowing down relief to small businesses and struggling Wisconsinites.

“While Robin Vos has been playing partisan games, Gov. Evers has been meeting directly with Wisconsinites and cleaning up Republicans’ messes,” said DPW Executive Director Nellie Sires. “It’s Vos who is out of touch – wasting time on legislation that would slow down pandemic relief, playing games with federal food aid, and threatening education funding. Maybe if Republicans spent less time mocking voters and more time listening to them, they wouldn’t be so out of touch.”

Not only did Gov. Evers hold listening sessions across the state before writing the Badger Bounceback, he is continuing to hear directly from Wisconsinites through a series of Badger Bounceback Live Sessions.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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