Rep. Jonathan Brostoff
Press Release

Rep. Brostoff Statement on Passage of GOP Gun Bills

“Is the GOP Really Willing to Be the Party of School Shootings?”

By - Jan 21st, 2022 12:18 pm

In response to the passage by Republicans of Assembly Bills 495, 498, 518, and 597 yesterday, all of which taken together would greatly expand the availability of concealed carry permits and allow concealed carry permit holders to bring guns onto school grounds, Rep. Jonathan Brostoff (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement:

“The gun bills passed by Assembly Republicans yesterday are an absolute travesty, and – if allowed to stand – would undoubtedly lead to more gun deaths in our schools. Are Republicans so beholden to the gun lobby that they’re willing to sacrifice our students? Is the GOP really willing to be the party of school shootings?”

The gun bills passed during session yesterday would all lead to more guns in our communities, and especially in our schools: AB 495 would allow individuals with concealed carry permits to bring concealed guns in their cars to school grounds; AB 498 would lower the concealed carry permit age requirement from 21 to 18, thereby allowing high school seniors to carry concealed handguns; AB 518 would create concealed carry reciprocity with other states, allowing permittees from states with extremely lax permit requirements to carry concealed handguns in Wisconsin; and AB 597 would allow concealed carry licensees to bring a concealed handgun into a place of worship attached to a school.

“To be very clear, Republicans signaled yesterday that they have absolutely no issues with the idea of a hot-headed high school senior bringing a handgun to school in their car. We know that teenagers’ brains have not fully developed, and that impulse control is still particularly underdeveloped at that age. It’s not difficult to imagine an upset student going and retrieving a gun from their car with the intent to use it against their peers. Or what about a disgruntled parent? Or teacher?

These bills are a clear example of the Republican willingness to throw red meat to a frenzied part of their base, with no thought to the possible consequences. We should be working to end gun violence in and around our school, not to promote it.

I am truly grateful to have Governor Tony Evers in office to provide a last line of defense against these dangerous Republican policies, and I look forward to his veto of these terrible bills.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. dmkrueger2 says:

    So hot headed teenagers, in the absence of the republican bill, will choose to leave their gun at home and therefore not have access to it and lives will be saved?

    Not sure if you’ve watched the news lately, these kids don’t give a #*%@ about laws that make it illegal to kill, attempt to kill, (even so far as police officers), bring guns to school, etc. Your argument is flawed – if bad guys obeyed laws, there would be no crime.

    Wake up, this law results in good guys/gals (those that follow the law) having access to their self defense tool (and maybe your defense if such good guy/girl is willing to deal with the fallout that inevitably results).

  2. Jake formerly of the LP says:

    dmkrueger – You mean like the guy that was packing while working at BK, shot at a guy robbing the store, and ended up killing the teenage girl working the drive-through? Those good guys?

    IT’S THE GUNS, STUPID! The less there are, and the higher the punishments for gun crimes are, the better.

  3. kaygeeret says:

    Also, more access to guns by the unverified, the medically ill, the untrained and those going out for a little ‘fun’ which will, of course include alcohol. Nothing bad is going to happen – — sure!

    I come from a family of hunters. I am not against guns. I am against guns for children and those carried with no concept of the training required to be a responsible human being with a gun.

    The worst part of an obscenely bad law is allowing guns in school….so all kids age 18 – and there are many – – can come to school fully armed? I am sure the repubs will be SHOCKED, I tell you, just SHOCKED at the mayhem that will eventually result.

    Man the repubs really want to go down in history as murders don’t they.

    The ridiculous reasoning that unregulated guns are for “protection” has been proven to be a lie so often I can’t stomach it anymore.

    We saw what happens when a kid with an assault rifle went looking for trouble and murdered 2 people and wounded a third. He got away with it because he is whit with cute little chubby cheeks and cried on the stand.

    Not everyone will be so lucky

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