Senator Tammy Baldwin Votes for National Defense Authorization Act to Support Wisconsin’s Service Members, Veterans, and Economy
AG Kaul Announces Appointment of Tina Virgil to be Division of Criminal Investigation Administrator
Wisconsin Kids Are Invited To Call In To Santa On WPR’s ‘Larry Meiller Show’ Christmas Eve at 11 a.m.
Former Rock County Deputy Sheriff Arrested for Child Sexual Assault
President Biden Names Eleventh Round of Judicial Nominees
Award Winners Announced for 55th Annual Watercolor Wisconsin Competition
Ron Johnson Pushes Self-Serving, Anti-Wisconsin Agenda By Voting To Jeopardize U.S. Economy
Council adopts ordinance lowering recovery rate for assessable traffic calming improvements
On the passing of trailblazer Dick Wagner

On the passing of trailblazer Dick Wagner

Statement of Alderwoman JoCasta Zamarripa December 14, 2021

Holiday season Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign begins
Statement by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett:
Statement by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett

Dale Palecek promoted to Chief Programming Office