
JFC economic development briefings briefly gave me hope, and then not so much

JFC economic development briefings briefly gave me hope, and then not so much

"If voters in Iowa think our federal deficit is too high, just imagine what Governor Walker and his economic team in Wisconsin will do to it!"

Democrats Lay Out Next Steps on “Right to Work” Bill

Democrats Lay Out Next Steps on “Right to Work” Bill

Bill will drive down wages, hurt Wisconsin’s middle class

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Legislation on Strengthening Inspectors General Clears Senate Hurdle

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Legislation on Strengthening Inspectors General Clears Senate Hurdle

Baldwin amendment to Inspector General Empowerment Act would dramatically improve transparency and accountability by requiring disclosure of all OIG reports that contain recommendations to the leadership of relevant agencies or departments, Congressional oversight committees, and individuals who may have requested the investigation.

Once Again, Scott Walker Trading Women’s Health for Political Gain
DNR Secretary Suggests Corporate Sponsorship of State Parks

DNR Secretary Suggests Corporate Sponsorship of State Parks

Assembly Democratic JFC members Chris Taylor and Gordon Hintz released the following statement on Stepp’s comments.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Maternal Care Access in Underserved Areas

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Maternal Care Access in Underserved Areas

Bill ensures women have access to timely, high quality maternity care by identifying provider shortage areas in rural and underserved communities

Rep. Zepnick Testimony: Right To Work
Rep. Zepnick Testimony

Right To Work

"I urge you to vote no."

Democrats Call for Opportunity to Amend Divisive “Right to Work” Bill in Assembly Labor Committee

Democrats Call for Opportunity to Amend Divisive “Right to Work” Bill in Assembly Labor Committee

Public testimony shows the need to amend a bill that will drive down wages, hurt Wisconsin’s middle class

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Effort to Boost Wisconsin Nursing Programs

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Effort to Boost Wisconsin Nursing Programs

Legislation Fixes a Technicality to Ensure Hospitals Can Train Nurses

Statement from Rep. Barca on “Right to Work” heading to full Assembly

Statement from Rep. Barca on “Right to Work” heading to full Assembly

"‘Right to Work’ is a distraction from Governor Walker’s harmful budget and it will keep pushing Wisconsin’s economy in the wrong direction."

Rep. Hintz presses DOA Secretary on Budget, “Scoop and Toss” Delay of Debt Payments

Rep. Hintz presses DOA Secretary on Budget, “Scoop and Toss” Delay of Debt Payments

"Gov. Walker’s bad budgeting has created a $2.2 billion shortfall and the resulting crisis budget..."

JFC begins briefings on “crisis budget”

JFC begins briefings on “crisis budget”

"Today’s hearing created more questions than were asked."