Pocan Introduces The “COVID Defense Act” to Direct Just Over 1 Percent of Pentagon Spending Towards Vaccinating 30% of the World’s Poorest Populations

Pocan Introduces The “COVID Defense Act” to Direct Just Over 1 Percent of Pentagon Spending Towards Vaccinating 30% of the World’s Poorest Populations

Proposal could nearly double the number of people vaccinated in low-income countries worldwide with existing international efforts.

James Taylor & His All-Star Band Coming to Fiserv Forum

James Taylor & His All-Star Band Coming to Fiserv Forum

with Special Guest Jackson Browne

Gov. Evers Appoints Clay Porter as Richland County Sheriff
The People of Milwaukee Have Spoken Again: Defund the Police
The People of Milwaukee Have Spoken Again

Defund the Police

African American Roundtable Releases Statement on City’s Budget Hearing

Inaugural Waterfowl Hunters Expo Aug. 28
AG Kaul Announces Lawsuit to Remove Frederick Prehn from Wisconsin Natural Resources Board
Gov. Evers Releases Statement Regarding Afghanistan and Refugee Reception at Fort McCoy
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign begins Wednesday in Wisconsin
Native Rights Trailblazer Ada Deer Endorses Mandela Barnes for United States Senate
Follow the Redistricting Process on City of Milwaukee website
CBS 58 Announces Weekend Morning News Expansion And Adds Anchor/Reporter Melissa Zygowicz
County Executive David Crowley Announces Dr. Benjamin Weston as Milwaukee County Chief Health Policy Advisor