Joe Davis, Sr.
Press Release

Mr. Mayor: Why no public review process for Chief Flynn?

Statement from Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. July 1, 2015

By - Jul 1st, 2015 11:23 am

As we are experiencing some of the most violent times in Milwaukee neighborhoods this year, it is troubling to me that there is no discussion on the upcoming renewal of Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn’s contract with the City of Milwaukee’s Police Department. As we have required Fire and Police Commissioner candidates to attend public hearings prior to their appointment, it is disappointing that the Mayor is not requiring Chief Flynn to attend a public hearing or two on his appointment and job performance in our city (in the community and outside of the Fire and Police Commission).

There have been critical issues regarding the MPD and it is only fitting that Chief Flynn attend a public meeting with the community to engage them in a dialogue of accomplishments and concerns — not only from his perspective, but also to allow community members to express their perspective. I am also very concerned that there is currently no Executive Director for the Fire and Police Commission and therefore no permanent administrator in place to oversee the vital task of making sure the Commission is truly a citizen’s board.

I am calling on the Fire and Police Commission to delay the Chief’s contract renewal until the public has a chance to address the Chief in an open and public forum.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. MARY GLASS says:

    July 1, 2015

    Open Door Policy for Transparency
    The city of Milwaukee deserves “transparency” and “accountability” of ALL elected-appointed-hired and donor for hire representatives. NO ONE IS EXEMPT.

    The country and specifically the U.S. Justice Department is looking at the law enforcement systems across the country with expected answers to “institutional” discrimination, profiling, too often aggressive force, murdering practices of African Americans, lock-step implicit and explicit biases, cover-ups and unacceptable practices that runs into the body of the force as dictated by behavior of police chiefs, mayors, common council bodies and oversight boards.

    Milwaukee has and still has its share of killings, disrespect, cover-ups and high-cost overtime for law enforcement.

    City of Milwaukee law enforcement has a reputation that is not in line with COMMUNITY POLICING.
    This is an Urban city with 60% of People of Color. These are the individuals that guarantee and underwrite through its coffers top dollar for law enforcement. And, like everyone else in a neighborhood and city structure, expect to have state-of-the-art leadership in law enforcement that is RESPECTED by the People.

    The People/Families of Milwaukee pay for and want law enforcement that is RESPECTFUL of its population and a leader that “leads by example”.

    Each electorate, each taxpayer, and each family member that authorizes the payment of salary for both the mayor and chief deserves top-of-the-line representation from the leader of the city’s law enforcement officer. What’s the reluctance for?

    Yes. Chief Edward A. Flynn has had some very interesting comments, actions, and behaviors that require scrutiny by the People. It is city justice, due process, and the ethical rights guaranteed by the office of chief of police for Milwaukee – TRANSPARENCY, DAY IN THE SUN BEFORE THE PEOPLE THAT PAY THE COST and ACCOUNTABILITY of all appointed officers such as Chief Edward A. Flynn.

    It is a value or accountability for mayor, Thomas Mark “Tom” Barrett during election 2016 when his time comes up for the People’s view.

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