Gov. Tony Evers
Press Release

Gov. Evers, DOA Secretary Brennan Announce More Than $36 million for Public Infrastructure and Facility Projects


By - Sep 16th, 2020 10:48 am

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers, with Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) Secretary Joel Brennan, today announced more than $36 million in funding for 42 public infrastructure and facility projects across Wisconsin. The funding is awarded to local units of government as part of a competitive grant process for the 2020 Community Development Block Grants for Public Facilities (CDBG-PF) program.

“This funding is not only critical to public safety, but to improving Wisconsin communities across our state where folks enjoy living, working, learning, and recreating,” said Gov. Evers. “These 42 projects will benefit Wisconsinites from Antigo to Whitehall and will bolster our communities.”

“Investing in core infrastructure services ensures Wisconsinites can remain proud of the communities in which they live, work and raise families, as well as maintain a positive and healthy quality of life,” said DOA Secretary Brennan.

The grants will be used by local governments to assist with infrastructure and facility projects totaling more than $72 million. The projects include but are not limited to water, stormwater, and sanitary sewer improvements and replacement activities, as well as sidewalk and surface street projects, and blight elimination activities.

Administered through the DOA Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources, CDBG-PF grants are open to all units of general and local governments that do not receive CDBG awards directly through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDBG-PF grants have the programmatic goals of:

  • ensuring the affordability of basic services that enhance community vitality;
  • supporting the revitalization of established neighborhoods, downtown business districts, and blighted sites;
  • assisting with capital improvement projects that support previous planning efforts and are part of broader community development strategies;
  • improving the accessibility of public facilities; and
  • encouraging the use of energy-efficient design, retrofitting, and equipment, as well as projects that benefit bicyclists and pedestrians.

More information regarding CDBG-PF grants is available here. A list of 2020 CDBG-PF awardees, grant amounts, and total project costs is available People: ,


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