Full Frontal Püppetry presents “Re-Gift: X-Mas Skits & Best of 2024”
Playing December 10th & 11th at Amorphic Beer in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE- Closing out a year which has seen this local collective of madcap puppet characters return to live performance with renewed zaniness, the Full Frontal Püppets invite their dedicated fans (& curious looky-loos) to a Christmas party featuring a selection of their best new material from the 2024 season. This includes an encore performance of “A Xmas Xarol”, with the Dickens holiday classic interpreted by some decidedly Naughty & Non-Corporate puppets. (Premiering at Milwaukee’s Krampusfest on Dec. 1st.)
One part Vaudeville, One part Japanese Bunraku, and One part Splatter Film, the Full Frontal Pϋppetry series takes sketch comedy, pop culture, political satire, & musical numbers, and purees it into something once described as “Rides the razors’ edge between extremely brilliant and appallingly juvenile”, and “The sort of inspired goofiness that makes theater worth going to”.
Re-Gift brings “Holiday Cheer & the Best of This Year” as AYM Ltd.’s cast of monsters, robots, zombies and who-knows-what’s infect Brew City once again with their puppet hilarity.
Since 2007, AYM Ltd, Full Frontal Püppetry and their particular blend of High Art & Low Comedy have been delighting audiences & baffling critics in Milwaukee, the Midwest and Beyond.
WARNING – Full Frontal Püppetry – Re-Gift may contain Course Language, Graphic Violence, Dope Humor, Casual Blasphemy, Sexual Situations, Corny Puns, Off-Key Singing, Liberal Bellyaching, Obscure References, & Traces of Fecal Matter. Rated PG-13 for Puppet Gore and Adolescent Mindsets.
NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.