Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Press Release

Final public meeting to be held for Reimagining WIS 175 Study


By - Mar 25th, 2025 03:30 pm

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) in partnership with the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County, is hosting a third and final open-house style public involvement meeting for the Reimagining WIS 175 Study.

Meeting Details:
Wednesday, April 2
4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Washington Park Senior Center
4420 W. Vliet Street, Milwaukee, WI 53208

The study team will share the latest alternatives based on input from stakeholders and the public. A preferred alternative will not be selected as part of this study. A final report will be prepared to document the analysis conducted and findings, which may inform an environmental review if funded.

The meeting facility is transit accessible via MTCS Routes 30 and 33 and is wheelchair accessible. Those who would like an interpreter present at the meeting, or another accommodation, can contact WisDOT project representative Doug Cain at (262) 546-5603, or Douglas.Cain@dot.wi.gov. Hearing impaired individuals needing assistance may contact the WisDOT representative via the Wisconsin Telecommunication Relay System (dial 711 and request to connect with 262-546-5603). To allow time for arranging accommodations, please call several workdays prior to the meeting.

About the Reimagining WIS 175 Study
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), in partnership with Milwaukee County and the City of Milwaukee is conduction a transportation study for the WIS 175 highway between the Stadium Interchange and Lisbon Avenue. The study will identify and evaluate alternative to improve safety, mobility, and access along the corridor.

Additional information about the Reimagining WIS 175 Study can be found on the study website at wisconsindot.gov/reimagine175. Materials displayed and provided at the meeting will also be posted on the public engagement website at bit.ly/wis175.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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