State Rep. Lisa Subeck
Press Release

Assembly Republicans Rubber Stamp Governor Walker’s $90 Million per Year Plan to Demonize the Poor

"If Republicans were serious about helping working families, they would increase access to transportation and childcare, expand education and job training opportunities, and raise wages."

By - Feb 6th, 2018 10:52 am

MADISON – Representative Lisa Subeck (D-Madison), ranking Democratic member on the Assembly Committee on Public Benefit Reform, issued the following statement in response to passage of 10 special session bills by the committee.

“These bills do nothing to address the needs of hardworking Wisconsin families who are living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to make ends meet. If Republicans were serious about helping working families, they would increase access to transportation and childcare, expand education and job training opportunities, and raise wages.

Instead, Governor Walker and Republicans believe they can rile their base ahead of the 2018 election by demonizing those who need a little help, so they are all too willing to spend $90 million per year of taxpayer money plus millions more in start-up costs to do little more than kick struggling families when they are already down.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


11 thoughts on “Assembly Republicans Rubber Stamp Governor Walker’s $90 Million per Year Plan to Demonize the Poor”

  1. Milwaukee CCW Holder says:

    Every hear of the American Dream? That does not include living of the government. Get real.Do you know how people sell their food stamp card for drugs? How is this not helping the poor. It might motivate them to actually work!

  2. Terry says:

    @Milwaukee CCW, Republicans modus operandi in a nutshell. Afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable. This is the opposite of what Jesus taught!
    Furthermore, Career Politician Scott Walker is the biggest Big Governmen welfare moocher in the state. He has been mooching for 25 years off of taxpayer’s money.
    You can’t blame the poor for your problems forever republicans. Take some personal responsibility!

    Dump Career Politician Scott Walker 2018!!
    Dump all republican moochers in 2018!!

  3. TheAntiTerry says:

    Re-Elect Governor Walker in 2018!
    Re-elect the Wisconsin Legislative Republicans in 2018!
    Dump Terry and all other drug-addled scumbag bottom-feeders in 2018!

  4. Terry says:

    The American Dream is dead for most in the country and never was for the poor people you are blaming for your problems. Republicans can’t put themselves on anyone elses’ shoes until it affects them. People born into entrenched poverty hopelessness in bad neighborhoods, who have been drinking lead contaminated water since birth and have not been receiving proper healthcare or a decent education in the state cannot be blamed for your or society’s problems republicans. Ever think about what yhat would be like? Ametican dream, pshaw for most folks but certainly the poor and hopeless. Life, liberty and happiness right? Well while you who have been afforded so much without even knowing it or accepting it are out enjoying your “liberty” and searching for “happiness” the poor, the meek and downtrodden are just trying to get to the “life” part. And a $7.50 an hour job with no benefits ain’t gonna cut it in Walker’s Wississippi.
    Republicans scapegoating the poor is very wrong and very dangerous.

  5. TheAntiTerry says:

    We’re cleaning out the last of the trash, folks!

    Vote Walker and Republican in 2018 and we’ll get Terry and the rest of the drug-addicted freaks like him to vacate our beautiful state!!

    CLEAN UP ON AISLE 3!! Last of the Democrats, fleeing!!

  6. Terry says:

    Other states have tried policies like this and everytime they learned the hard way that it costs far more to implement such policies (aka, expand government) like drug testing the poor for food, etc.than the state ever saves from kicking any actual layabouts off welfare. This 90 million down the tubes proves that point once again. Obviously nobody sent Career Politician and biggest Big Government moocher in the state Scott Walker or any of the other Big Govermment Nanny State control freaks the memo.

    Dump Walker 2018

  7. Jamaal E. Smith says:

    What most people are oblivious to is that many of the people who are on benefits are working!!! Their jobs are not sufficient enough, which is why they have the benefits to supplement their income. Are there people who take advantage of the system? Yep…but you also have politicians who write legislation or get in the bed with dark money PACs (both Democrat and Republican) for financial gain and power at the expense of taxpayers. In other words, the actions of some does not define the whole, which is the same argument pro-law enforcement supporters give when a rogue cop kills an unarmed Black man or woman. The overwhelming majority of people on W-2 are working every day to find better job opportunities so they can don’t have to depend on this service. We see at least 100 people a day who come in and are connecting with the job center or placement programs because they are not happy with their current situations.

    Many of you who point the finger at poor people are simply repeating the same vitriolic messaging you hear on the news or read in the newspapers and that is quite unfortunate. Over 40% of Wisconsinities qualify under the A.L.I.C.E. category (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), with over 60% in Milwaukee alone. So, the issue here should be about stagnant wages that have not been competitive with the growing cost of living. The American Dream was only thought of to be for certain people. You can look at history and see how it is repeating itself right now within governmental practices.

  8. will says:

    GOP con job. Most people who receives government assistance are from red states. Most people who receive health care and other benefits are rural white Republicans. Just a fact of life. Rural areas are being devastated by GOP policies and are in big trouble to survive.

  9. MKE Kid says:

    MKE CCW Holder: Please explain to me how someone is able to “sell” their FoodShare card off and make it work? FoodShare works exactly like a debit card. A person has to register with the state with a PIN and they get a monthly stipend. They swipe their card and enter their PIN for food items. Even TP, soap, and toothpaste are not covered. If they are caught somehow “cheating,” they will lose any potential benefits for life. They have to re-register every six months and fill out a multiple page form. Who the hell would risk losing their food bennies, which are not generous at all. I learned this as an urban cop. Most poor people are working poor.
    You are an alt-right troll pulling stuff out of your ass, posting it on a public forum, and embarrassing yourself and your ilk with your total ignorance.
    You are aware that the deep red Southern US states are the biggest moochers of Federal funds, aren’t you? They far outweigh their sucking out more Federal funds than they contribute.
    And BTW, concealed carry with WI LE is referred to as CC; not CCW.
    I never thought any commentor to UW would post more ignorant comments than WCD. Congrats. You won that prize, which is setting the bar well below sea level.

  10. Terry says:

    @will, you are 100% correct!

    @MKE, you are 100% correct but republicans like Troll, WCD, WaCoRepub have never and will never explain because rampant welfare fraud is a fraud and a myth itself! I have linked to this dozens of times but basically republicans default modus operandi especially when being attacked is now, as it has always been, to blame and attack the poor, the meek, the powerless, the immigrants and the downtrodden. They can’t fight back, so blame them! They point their fingers and get their base fired up with righteous indignation at the long ago debunked myth of the “welfate queen.” Please. Ever been to the ghettos or trailer parks of Wisconsin? Poverty and hopelessness is not fun republicans! The fact is, Career Politician Scott Walker is the biggest Welfare Queen in the state and yes red states mooch royally off of blue states and have for decades! But that’s ok because progressives know we are stronger together, that even though we disagree, he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother..It’s called being an “American” republicans!

    Dump Walker 2018!

  11. Terry says:

    Success! I have gotten so far under republican’s (or should I say WashCoRepub’s) skin that he got rot gut liquor drunk and brought back The Anti-Terry! Ah success! The sweet , sweet smell of success!
    Or is that my Blue Dream? Get some help from AA you whiskey reeking drunkard.

    Dump Walker 2018!

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