Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

Ahead of Mike Pence’s Visit, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, State Rep. Robyn Vining, Highlight Trump’s Leadership Failures

"Having a president that will fight the pandemic, protect our health care, and rebuild our economy stronger than it was before is the future that Wisconsinites deserve."

By - Oct 13th, 2020 12:57 pm
Mike Pence. Photo is in the Public Domain.

Mike Pence. Photo is in the Public Domain.

(WISCONSIN) — Ahead of Mike Pence‘s visit to Wisconsin, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, State Rep. Robyn Vining, and Jennifer May, whose family has pre-existing conditions, held a video press conference to highlight the Trump administration’s attacks on the Affordable Care Act and failed coronavirus response which has devastated Wisconsin’s economy. For four years, Donald Trump’s weak leadership led to the decline of Wisconsin’s industries and small businesses, and left behind working Wisconsinites, including his constant attacks on the ACA protections that as many as 2.4 million Wisconsinites depend on. Trump has made it perfectly clear that he will put insurance companies and the largest corporations over working families every time.

Watch the full event here or read excerpts of what the speakers said below.

Sarah Godlewski: “As State Treasurer, our economy is only as healthy as our community, and we will not get our country back on track until we get this virus under control. This administration has failed to provide a united plan for the United States, and our state and our country are struggling, starting with small businesses. Small businesses are critical, as they make up 99% of Wisconsin’s economy… Our current situation should have been avoided if Trump had a plan. Further, back in May, when they saw stimulus money go to large corporations and pharmaceutical companies leaving many of them behind, it went to Wall Street, not Main Street… Our state deserves real leadership in the face of this pandemic, and that’s why Wisconsinites right now are voting to put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House; they actually have a comprehensive and inclusive plan guided by public health experts and science that will rebuild our economy. We have 21 days to change the direction of this country, and we will be voting for Joe and Kamala to build back better.”

Robyn Vining: “Whether that’s supporting common sense, scientifically effective COVID-19 safety protocols like wearing a mask, or protecting health care coverage and protections for people with pre-existing conditions, Trump and his colleagues have failed Wisconsin families… As our economy continues to suffer, families are wondering where they can find work, and all the while they have to worry if they’re going to lose their health care in the midst of a pandemic, Wisconsin families need leaders who are going to make the difficult but right choices for them… Trump’s failed COVID-19 response has cost Wisconsin tens of thousands of jobs, and small businesses are still scraping to stay open. As a small business owner myself, I know that so many in the small business community are feeling the pains of an administration that always helps the rich and well connected, and has continuously abandoned working Wisconsinites. It’s the same story with health care as, even in the middle of a pandemic that has claimed over 210,000 American lives, Trump and the GOP are still trying to tear up the ACA and strip Wisconsinites of their protections for preexisting conditions… It’s become clear the Trump administration has no plan to save Wisconsin’s economy or our access to health care, let alone improve it… Having a president that will fight the pandemic, protect our health care, and rebuild our economy stronger than it was before is the future that Wisconsinites deserve.”

Jennifer May: “Growing up, my family never had health care… having the Affordable Care Act in place provides them coverage that they did not get as children… If the Affordable Care Act is repealed, people with pre-existing conditions like all three of my siblings would not be covered, and thousands of other people as well… COVID affects peoples’ lungs, and my brother’s genetic disease, cystic fibrosis, affects their lungs already, so they’re at an even higher risk, and removing their health care would be detrimental to them right now. Trump has promised multiple times that he would keep protections for pre-existing conditions in place… and nothing has materialized… I’m worried that the case before the Supreme Court might strike down the ACA and then my siblings will not have any protections in place for them… I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because I know that they will protect people like all of my siblings, keep the Affordable Care Act in place, and protect people with pre-existing conditions.”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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