State Appeals Court Rules College Minority Grants Unconstitutional
In 2023-24, state program awarded $440,433 in minority retention grants.
Read the full story by Corrinne Hess...Political Contributions Tracker
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Follow the money...In 2023-24, state program awarded $440,433 in minority retention grants.
Baldwin criticized cuts, while Johnson called Musk one of the most 'brilliant' humans 'that ever walked on planet Earth.'
Gov. Tony Evers’ proposed plan to close maximum security Green Bay Correctional Institution.
Freshman Rep. Tony Wied previously owned a chain of gas stations.
Nominee decries 'personal agendas,' Common Ground demands member representative of tenants.
GOP has long blocked state acceptance of federal funds. Stakes are higher now with federal cuts.
Governor, GOP lawmakers wrestle over cleanup liability and 'innocent landowners.'
Health care providers would lose their licenses for providing puberty blockers to minors.
Judge Borowski gives city $1,000 per day fine until 25 police officers placed in schools.
Republican lawmakers cite sheriffs in Milwaukee and Madison as reason for the bill, which has penalties for noncompliance.
Autumn Hill Academy promotes student well-being.
Tearman Spencer accused of using his position to illegally avoid thousands in fees.
Putting officers in schools without training would create substantial liability for city, says the filing.
Mismanaged group has had years of huge deficits and massive staff turnover.
His massive campaign donation to Brad Schimel raises big questions.
A Democrat pushing a $2 billion tax cut? Wow. Suggests the governor will seek a third term.
The wealthy pay a lower percent of their income in taxes. Evers proposal addresses this.
Neighborhoods with Hispanic immigrants actually have lower rates of violent crime.
Much closer results, far less gerrymandered despite increasing polarization.
One-third of all districts affected. Evers 'take it or leave it' plan likely to get lots of discussion and review.
$28 billion of projected two-year budget is supposed to come from federal funds.
Press Releases
Coalition of 20 attorneys general argues the unlawful dismissal of NLRB board member undermines the functioning of the NLRB and the enforcement of labor laws across America
Projects approved by Commission include 11 UW System projects, efforts to complete the Milwaukee Crime Lab, and stewardship property development funds
1.3 million Wisconsinites receive Social Security benefits