
Community & Economic Development Committee Hears About Milwauee 7

Community & Economic Development Committee Hears About Milwauee 7

Milwaukee Department of City Development Commissioner Rocky Marcoux presented a report, file number 070876, on the progress of the Milwaukee 7 initiative. Northwest Side Area Comprehensive Plan,He highlighted the group’s efforts which included 425 site visits, helping to maintain some 2300+ jobs and creating 3300+ news jobs. Another significant highlight of the Milwaukee 7’s progress was the creation of an Immigrant Investment Zone. It gives immigrants permanent resident status if they invest $1,000,000 in new business within the investment zone. During the discussion of the Immigrant Investment Zone a question from the committee asked Marcoux about the possibility of a new World Trade Center building being constructed in Milwaukee. He responded by saying “There’s obviously going to be a cost associated with that, but I think that it will pay big dividends.” Alderman Tony Zielinski brought forward a resolution, file number 071136, directing the Office of Environmental Sustainability to study the feasibility of city financing of solar installations. The plan, based on a study in Berkeley, CA, would fund low interest loans to cover the initial capital costs of installing solar panels allowing for wider adoption of this technology. The Environmental Sustainability Director Ann Beier pointed out that as the use of solar panels grows in new construction that “we know there will be a demand for solar installers in the future”. Making the point that this is a program that not only looks at reducing pollution but this plan could lead to new job growth in an emerging market and new development.

Zoning Committee Hears the Northwest Side Area Comprehensive Plan

Zoning Committee Hears the Northwest Side Area Comprehensive Plan

The Northwest Side Area Comprehensive Plan, resolution 070933, was presented to the ZND committee seeking approved but it faced multiple criticisms that needed addressing. First Alderman Bauman explained that the northwest side has significant rail infrastructure and because of this there is “tremendous potential on the Northwest side” for transit oriented development, improved mass transit and enhanced mobility. Unfortunately the plan didn’t include any reference to this infrastructure so Alderman Bob Bauman suggested that the plan “go back to the drawing board.” Secondly, Timmerman Airport came up as multiple committee members expressed the likely hood of the site being redeveloped in the future and that the plan only lightly touched upon the topic. Finally Alderman Jim Bohl promoted suburban style development by expressing his concerns for DCD’s desire to encourage through streets and discourage cul–da-sacks. Due to these issues, the plan was held to allow DCD to incorporate more of these topics into the plan. Resolution 070609 was seeking approval of the Grede Foundry site for redevelopment which required a change in zoning from Industrial-Heavy to General Planned Development. Although some parts of the plan such as multistory buildings fronting the street and parking to be located behind the buildings were appropriate the design also left 65% of the 5 1/4 acres dedicated to surface parking. The committee compared the design to a “suburban office park” and concluded it was not appropriate for a near downtown site. And although Alderman Murphy suggested holding the file, the developer pressed forward prompting Alderman Bauman to make a motion placing it on file which prevailed 5-0 and essentially stopped this project. Resolution 071131 was seeking approval of the sale of the city owned lot located at 1027 N. Edison St to Edison Green, LLC. As was recently reported this eight-story mixed-use development will be located near the eastern terminus of the Highland Ave. pedestrian bridge and will include 25 residential units, first floor retail, office space and a banquet hall. The northern portion of the site will remain green space allowing access for the condos to the north and as part of the developments attempt to gain LEED certification. Further that portion of land also contains MMSD sewer infrastructure and police lines which would make development prohibitively expensive. The building will have five shared Prius cars, mopeds and a community boat allowing residents to go without owning a car or boat. Further the green roof will have hot tubs heated by solar panels and possibly small wind turbines on the roof. In general the neighboring condominium association appeared supportive of the proposal with their remaining concern being access to the green space to access their riverfront yards. The projects innovative and green approach was appreciated by the committee. Alderman Michael Murphy commented that this project is a “very thoughtful idea” but Alderman Wade expressed his appreciation strongest by stating “I got one thing to say Wow!” The resolution was approved with the understanding that the solution to the access issue will be agreed […]

100 Things To Be Thankful For in Milwaukee

100 Things To Be Thankful For in Milwaukee

Miller Park Originally uploaded by compujeramey In honor of Thanksgiving, OnMilwaukee.com has released a list of 100 Reasons For Milwaukeeans To Give Thanks. My favorites… 17. Bratwurst from Usinger’s and Klement’s. 89. Speaking of transportation, we’re thankful that Michael Cudahy continues to fight for innovative rail in Milwaukee.

Hats Off To The Shepherd Express

Hats Off To The Shepherd Express

Run (literally, it’s cold outside) and pick up the Shepherd Express before the next issue comes out, because the current issues takes an excellent look back at the past 25 years. If you’re geographically or mobility challenged, everything is available online, but you’ll miss out on the great advertisements. The main article is “Still Crazy After All These Years”. Congratulations to the Shepherd Express for providing an alternate voice in Milwaukee for the past 25 years!

Do You Have Karma?

Do You Have Karma?

OnMilwaukee.com has an interview with one of the owners of the brand new Karma Bar & Grille located inbetween Chipotle and Panera on Ogden. At first glance it appears to be worth your time to check out.  I’ll be there for dinner tonight to verify.