
Simply Health: Reflux-ology
Simply Health


Got a bad taste in your mouth? Here's how you can combat gastro esophageal reflux disease.

Baloney on wry: Acting up
Baloney on wry

Acting up

Is it too much to ask that we act our age?

From the editor: A simple prayer
From the editor

A simple prayer

I think when we can picture the path the food has taken from the ground where it was grown and harvested to our kitchens, we can’t help but feel some gratitude.

Book redeems oft-failed chef

Book redeems oft-failed chef

Who is this Jim Lahey? And what is this no-knead, in-a-pot method that turns once-hopeless bakers into gods?

The top things for which we are grateful

The top things for which we are grateful

Letterman has his Top 10 List, and Oprah has her gratitude journal. We — at this time of thanksgiving — thought that it would be fun to blend the two and compile a list of things we are grateful for.

Pantry raid!: NUTS TO YOU!
Pantry raid!


Unexpectedly delicious, creamy and freaky good for you! Seriously? You can see why our pantries are all in a tizzy over this whole nuts-in-a-jar thing.

From the Editor: On a butterfly’s wings
From the Editor

On a butterfly’s wings

You have within you the power to accomplish more than you may even imagine, and each act you undertake undoubtedly has untold and unforeseen consequences.

The 200 Empty Units in Park Lafayette Are Not The End of Milwaukee Development

The 200 Empty Units in Park Lafayette Are Not The End of Milwaukee Development

Yesterday it was announced that prominent East Side development Park Lafayette is being foreclosed on by Anglamated Bank of New York, the primary lender on the project. Not surprising to those who have seen the massive towers, Anglamated Bank is claiming they are owed nearly $100 million by Renaissant Lafayette LLC, an affiliate of Renaissant Development Group. Renaissant Development Group is led by prominent Chicago developer Warren Barr. Park Lafayette was Barr's first entry into the Milwaukee market. While the foreclosure is certainly bad news for Barr and the bank, it's not necessarily all bad news for Milwaukee.

Boomerang: Fall is here, and that means squash

Fall is here, and that means squash

Autumn brings with it fantastic smells, and new and familiar flavors and ingredients.

Urban Almanac: A sensory guide to fall
Urban Almanac

A sensory guide to fall

This is a great time to listen for birds practicing their calls (and often failing miserably).

Got organic milk?

Got organic milk?

Great. But would you be annoyed to find out that it came from a factory farm?

Simply Health: Pre-diabetes can be a gift
Simply Health

Pre-diabetes can be a gift

It's a relief to know that a diagnosis of pre-diabetes does not mean you will get diabetes.