The Rep’s Gerard Neugent dishes on “The 39 Steps”
Milwaukee's versatile vet illuminates what it's like to quick change and on playing over 20 characters in a play.
Jan 14th, 2011 by Brian JacobsonGood news
Good news about Milwaukee arts institutions. See, it happens sometimes.
Jan 13th, 2011 by Tom StriniFierce quick-change highlights The Rep’s “39 Steps”
Versatile Rep vet Gerard Neugent and APT star John Pribyl perform a cavalcade of characters in the four-actor adaptation of epic comedy/mystery "The 39 Steps."
Jan 11th, 2011 by Brian JacobsonFind enchantment in First Stage’s “The Magic Bicycle”
Playwright John Olive's vision comes to life on stage with the story of two teens and their journey through time and space in search of the meaning of family.
Jan 10th, 2011 by Peggy Sue DuniganThe Skylight’s Collier and Cobb serve Gershwin & Friends well
The classic songs wouldn't carry the day without the talented and appealing Cynthia Cobb and Parrish Collier.
Dec 30th, 2010 by Tom StriniBill Florescu on the new Florentine Opera
The general director comments on the future of the company after the controversial "Elmer Gantry" and "Rio de Sangre."
Dec 30th, 2010 by William FlorescuNew Year’s Eve and beyond with Gershwin and Friends at the Skylight
The Skylight's new revue spotlights Gershwin, Harold Arlen, Fats Waller and Duke Ellington.
Dec 28th, 2010 by Tom StriniOpen Call
Calling all thespians! The Racine Theatre Guild is hosting open auditions for its upcoming production of "Treasure Island." Details inside!
Dec 26th, 2010 by Third Coast DailyI’ve been meaning to tell you…
Arty news bits, gathered into a handy package.
Dec 23rd, 2010 by Tom StriniGuys and Dolls crowds stage with colorful characters
A classic musical comedy joyfully bursts at the seams of the Off the Wall space.
Dec 17th, 2010 by Michael BarndtSpamalot tasty at times, moldy around the edges
The Monty Python musical, on tour, landed at the Milwaukee Theatre Friday and Saturday.
Dec 12th, 2010 by Paul MastersonThoroughly modern Moliere at UWM
An eye-opening student production of Moliere's "Lovers Quarrels," in Richard Wilbur's stageworthy translation, merits attention.
Dec 9th, 2010 by Michael Barndt