
Op Ed: ‘We Need More’
Op Ed

‘We Need More’

A remarkable song’s lyrics capture something powerful about America and how we might move forward.

Op Ed: How to Improve State’s K-12 Schools
Op Ed

How to Improve State’s K-12 Schools

Teacher recruitment and retention is a key issue.

Op Ed: Republicans Restrict Right To Vote
Op Ed

Republicans Restrict Right To Vote

Ramming through 5 bills making it harder to vote and hog tying nonpartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission.

Op Ed: Rep. Ramthun’s Resume Looks Fishy
Op Ed

Rep. Ramthun’s Resume Looks Fishy

Declines to answer questions about unspecified corporate positions he claims.

Op Ed: We Need To Restore This City’s Soul
Op Ed

We Need To Restore This City’s Soul

A redevelopment in Harambee neighborhood is part of a larger vision.

Op Ed: Biden Infrastructure Fund Helps Business
Op Ed

Biden Infrastructure Fund Helps Business

Mine is one of many businesses that will benefit from better infrastructure.

Op Ed: Breakup of MPS Is The Wrong Answer
Op Ed

Breakup of MPS Is The Wrong Answer

Yes, improvements are needed, but breaking up the district won’t accomplish this.

Op Ed: Ramthun Will Mess Up GOP Primary
Op Ed

Ramthun Will Mess Up GOP Primary

Republican state senator won’t provide any evidence of his Big Lie about 2020 election.

Op Ed: Unlock the Vote!
Op Ed

Unlock the Vote!

Four proposed bills buttress civil rights, making it easier for more people to vote.

Op Ed: GOP Needs Alternative to Ron Johnson
Op Ed

GOP Needs Alternative to Ron Johnson

Wisconsin faces highly partisan race between Senator who weakens democracy and far-left Democrats.

Op Ed: Will Rothman Take On UW Conglomerate?
Op Ed

Will Rothman Take On UW Conglomerate?

WARF, UW Health and Quartz HMO among the spinoffs whose governance, purpose needs scrutiny.

Op Ed: Why Doctors Oppose ‘Medical Freedom’
Op Ed

Why Doctors Oppose ‘Medical Freedom’

Republican bill allows rebel practitioners to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.