Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Schimel Haunted By Rape Kit Issue
Murphy’s Law

Schimel Haunted By Rape Kit Issue

Candidates for Wisconsin Supreme Court at odds over issue.

Murphy’s Law: School Board Elections Not Very Democratic
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members School Board Elections Not Very Democratic

Three of four Milwaukee races have just one candidate. Why? Changes needed?

Murphy’s Law: Can Kevin Giglinto Save the Marcus Center?
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members Can Kevin Giglinto Save the Marcus Center?

Loss of the Milwaukee Symphony leaves deficit, questions about its future.

Murphy’s Law: How Taxpayers Subsidize Bucks, Brewers Players
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members How Taxpayers Subsidize Bucks, Brewers Players

As much as 25% of their salaries may come from public subsidies.

Murphy’s Law: Children’s Hospital Abandoning City?
Murphy’s Law

Children’s Hospital Abandoning City?

Despite vast wealth it closed pediatric clinic on 29th and Clarke.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Milwaukee’s Medical College
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members The Rise of Milwaukee’s Medical College

Nearly bankrupt in late 1960s, MCW now a research powerhouse with huge endowment.

Top 10 of 2024: The Year’s Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns
Top 10 of 2024

The Year’s Most Popular Murphy’s Law Columns

What do Don Smiley, Ryan Clancy and Eric Hovde have in column?

Murphy’s Law: San Felippo Served As President of Summerfest’s Private Company
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members San Felippo Served As President of Summerfest’s Private Company

As more evidence of his role emerges neither he nor Summerfest will comment.

Murphy’s Law: What Are Foxconn’s Employees Doing?
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members What Are Foxconn’s Employees Doing?

After 7 years and $700 million in taxpayer subsidies, what have we learned?

Murphy’s Law: Why Is UW System Punishing Student Protestors?
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members Why Is UW System Punishing Student Protestors?

Pro-Palestinian protestors asking unwanted questions about university investments.

Murphy’s Law: Act 10 Ruling Could Be Tough to Overturn
Murphy’s Law

Act 10 Ruling Could Be Tough to Overturn

New ruling striking down law is based on argument Republicans have trouble answering.

Murphy’s Law: Does Summerfest Get Special Treatment?
Murphy’s Law

This content is only for members Does Summerfest Get Special Treatment?

Its bar license owned by private company never gets a thorough review by the city.