Public Safety

Murphy’s Law: Kaul Probe of Clergy Abuse Is Historic
Murphy’s Law

Kaul Probe of Clergy Abuse Is Historic

Unprecedented state-wide investigation could uncover many crimes, lead to legal reforms.

Milwaukee FPC Bans All Chokeholds

Milwaukee FPC Bans All Chokeholds

Commission scraps policy allowing chokeholds in deadly force situations when "all other options and tactics" are exhausted.

MKE County: County Funds Credible Messengers Program
MKE County

County Funds Credible Messengers Program

Program is intended to connect at-risk youth with mentors and social services.

City Hall: Bay View Speedway Must Close Early After Robbery String
City Hall

Bay View Speedway Must Close Early After Robbery String

Police visited gas station 14 times between January 1st and February 11th.

Kenosha Activists Arrested During Protest of Jacob Blake

Kenosha Activists Arrested During Protest of Jacob Blake

Three were arrested, including Blake's uncle, staging a sit-in at Kenosha Public Safety Building.

Coalition Launches Campaign Against Reckless Driving

Coalition Launches Campaign Against Reckless Driving

18 community organizations are working to promote safe driving.

Judge Rules Acevedo Video Can Be Released

Judge Rules Acevedo Video Can Be Released

Footage shows choking, death of Joel Acevedo. Officer Michael Mattioli charged with reckless homicide.

State High Court Upholds Gun Conviction

State High Court Upholds Gun Conviction

But Justice Rebecca Bradley dissents, defending right to get drunk and carry firearms.

Tosa Police Chief Testifies About Mensah

Tosa Police Chief Testifies About Mensah

In John Doe hearing Weber defends former officer's killing of Jay Anderson, Jr.

Police Haven’t Ended Stop and Frisks

Police Haven’t Ended Stop and Frisks

ACLU report finds Milwaukee police out of compliance with 2018 legal settlement.

Body Cameras Key To Charges Against Police

Body Cameras Key To Charges Against Police

Wisconsin families who've lost loved ones hope body camera footage can lead to justice.

City Hall: City Must Apologize to Sterling Brown
City Hall

City Must Apologize to Sterling Brown

Council approves settlement, which includes apology and changes in how police are trained.