
NEWaukeean of the Week: Jim Love
NEWaukeean of the Week

Jim Love

"I love the people and the work ethic in this city."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Evan Goyke
NEWaukeean of the Week

Evan Goyke

"I would love to see better access to rail, buses, biking, walking/running, etc."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Amalia Flatley
NEWaukeean of the Week

Amalia Flatley

"I love Milwaukee’s energy..."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Dustin Ashley
NEWaukeean of the Week

Dustin Ashley

"I have always been a fan of being in a city setting."

Up From Poverty

Up From Poverty

“My fight is for the ghettos,” says Heal the Hood leader Ajamou Butler.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Lisa Braun
NEWaukeean of the Week

Lisa Braun

"I’m proud to be born and raised in Milwaukee."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Monica Cooksey
NEWaukeean of the Week

Monica Cooksey

"What I love most about Milwaukee is the diversity."

NEWaukeean of the Week: Mariah Kolodziej
NEWaukeean of the Week

Mariah Kolodziej

"Milwaukee has such a unique charm..."

Op Ed: Why I Support Medicare For All
Op Ed

Why I Support Medicare For All

Every American needs and deserves health coverage.

Campaign Cash: Construction Industry Has Huge Capitol Clout
Campaign Cash

Construction Industry Has Huge Capitol Clout

$11 million political in donations helps get policies to reduce safety measures in buildings.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Steven Waudby
NEWaukeean of the Week

Steven Waudby

"I feel like Milwaukee is an underrated city, but I love it."

Campaign Cash: Joint Finance Okays School Choice Expansion
Campaign Cash

Joint Finance Okays School Choice Expansion

Powerful voucher lobby, including Betsy DeVos, has spent millions to support state politicians.