
House Confidential: The Modest Ranch Home of Ald. Joe Davis
House Confidential

The Modest Ranch Home of Ald. Joe Davis

The mayoral candidate lives in the Hampton Heights neighborhood where assessments have declined and crime has risen. Small wonder he's concerned about that issue.

GOP Had More Campaign Cash — And Votes

GOP Had More Campaign Cash — And Votes

Republican victories weren't about redistricting, but about more votes. But they did have a huge cash advantage.

Murphy’s Law: The Legacy of Annette Polly Williams
Murphy’s Law

The Legacy of Annette Polly Williams

The author of school choice later became its opponent. Williams was controversial -- and misunderstood -- right to the end.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Jonathan Brostoff
NEWaukeean of the Week

Jonathan Brostoff

"Without a doubt, some big investors are betting on Milwaukee’s future..."

Under the Influence: Why Wisconsin Has Weak Laws on Drunken Driving
Under the Influence

Why Wisconsin Has Weak Laws on Drunken Driving

Legislators reject tougher penalties, even for repeat offenders. First of a series.

The State of Politics: The Republican Revolution Part II
The State of Politics

The Republican Revolution Part II

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has a really big agenda for Wisconsin. It reads like a papal encyclical.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Another Bad Transit Plan By County Board
Eyes on Milwaukee

Another Bad Transit Plan By County Board

Amendment slipped into budget has had no public review and could leave system $1 million short (or worse) by end of 2015.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate Kevin Kennedy
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate Kevin Kennedy

The GAB director is an “embarrassment,” Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says. Embarrassing to who?

Op-Ed: Cops in Shootings Should Be Promptly Named

Cops in Shootings Should Be Promptly Named

Police Chief Flynn waited more than five months to identify officer who shot Dontre Hamilton. The public deserves better.

Latino Leadership Lags

Latino Leadership Lags

Latinos under-represented in local and state government. Change could take 10 years, some project.

Murphy’s Law: Why Burke’s Loss Was Inevitable
Murphy’s Law

Why Burke’s Loss Was Inevitable

Burke's impact as a candidate was so negligible that Walker was almost running against himself. He had to hope the Walker lovers outnumbered his haters.

Data Wonk: Evaluating The Burke and Walker Jobs Plans
Data Wonk

Evaluating The Burke and Walker Jobs Plans

Can either reverse the state’s long-term trend of lagging national job growth?