
You can support arts education at MPS

You can support arts education at MPS

a.r.t. benefit concert features local bands to fund arts programs at Milwaukee Public Schools that are facing the chopping block

Milwaukee Opera Theatre’s “26”: Old songs, new twists
Milwaukee Opera Theatre’s “26”

Old songs, new twists

Kelly Anderson, Jill Anna Ponasik and Nathan Wesselowski weave dance and a story around 26 Italian Songs and Arias.

What is “26”?

What is “26”?

The Milwaukee Opera Theatre's show, with Jill Anna Ponasik, Nathan Wesselowski and Kelly Anderson, requires some explanation. So does Milwaukee Opera Theatre.

Review: Present Music goes Middle Eastern

Present Music goes Middle Eastern

Trumpeter/santoorist/composer/singer Amir ElSaffar and friends bring Iraqi music to Milwaukee.

East Meets West Meets Jazz at Present Music Saturday

East Meets West Meets Jazz at Present Music Saturday

Amir ElSaffar's journey from classical trumpeter to jazz man to student of Iragi Maqam to muscial integrator

Review: de Waart, MSO and Chorus

de Waart, MSO and Chorus

Transcendent singing and playing in two profound works, Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms and Brahms' A German Requiem.

TONIGHT at the MSO: Big nights for Lee Erickson’s MSO Chorus

Big nights for Lee Erickson’s MSO Chorus

The 150-voice symphony chorus is at the heart of Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms and Brahms' A German Requiem.

Seen and heard at Florentine’s “Opera Showcase”

Seen and heard at Florentine’s “Opera Showcase”

The 2009-10 Studio Artists bring the power of Puccini, Verdi, and others at the Florentine Opera Center. An audio slideshow from the first half of the night.

Review: The MSO, de Waart and cellist Joe Johnson

The MSO, de Waart and cellist Joe Johnson

Johnson is marvelous in Saint-Saens Cello Concerto, and de Waart and the orchestra get to the heart of Faure and Tchaikovsky.

PODCAST: Anjl Rodee of the Whiskey Belles

Anjl Rodee of the Whiskey Belles

Backstage wraps its Milwaukee Music series with Anjl Rodee of vintage country trio the Whiskey Belles

Review: MSO: Lang Lang — Wow Wow

MSO: Lang Lang — Wow Wow

Lang Lang is still a young man, but musically he is all grown up.

This (crazy) Week at the MSO: An emergency soloist, a swan song and Lang Lang
This (crazy) Week at the MSO

An emergency soloist, a swan song and Lang Lang

Principal cellist Joseph Johnson replaces Masafumi Hori. Johnson to leave the MSO for Toronto Symphony. Lang Lang returns.