
Actors in India 4: Independence Day in Mumbai
Actors in India 4

Independence Day in Mumbai

The fourth letter home from a Milwaukee theater troupe touring India. They open in Mumbai and take a day off to explore it.

Youngblood Theatre’s outdoor “Minnesota Moon”

Youngblood Theatre’s outdoor “Minnesota Moon”

A true-to-life outdoor setting enhances the story of two friends saying their last goodbyes.

Actors in India 3: Opening night and on to Mumbai
Actors in India 3

Opening night and on to Mumbai

A Milwaukee troupe tours a play about success in business through India. This is their third letter home.

APT’s “The Tempest,” all about magic and the magic of theater

APT’s “The Tempest,” all about magic and the magic of theater

American Players Theatre mounts transporting Shakespeare under the stars in Spring Green.

Family a funny and tragic thing in MCT’s “Crimes of the Heart”

Family a funny and tragic thing in MCT’s “Crimes of the Heart”

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre's production of the Pulitzer-winning play forces three sisters to balance laughter and tears, with entrancing results.

Youngblood’s “Gruesome Playground Injuries”: It hurts to laugh.
Youngblood’s “Gruesome Playground Injuries”

It hurts to laugh.

In Rajiv Joseph's black comedy about self-destruction, Rob Maass and Tess Cinpinski are fearless and honest.

“Crimes of the Heart”: Hilarious tragedy in Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s opener
“Crimes of the Heart”

Hilarious tragedy in Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s opener

Mary MacDonald Kerr, MCT stalwart, directs Beth Henley's domestic tragicomedy.

Milwaukee Actors in India

Milwaukee Actors in India

Actress Deborah Clifton, on tour, sends a letter home.

PODCAST: Theater for the people

Theater for the people

Mark catches up with Dave Begel to have a conversation about local theater, and how to open up the Milwaukee arts scene to a broader audience.

Youngblood Theatre’s “Gruesome Playground Injuries” — more than skinned knees

Youngblood Theatre’s “Gruesome Playground Injuries” — more than skinned knees

Meet Kayleen and Doug. In the Emergency Room.

Actors’ dispatches from India

Actors’ dispatches from India

Deborah Clifton, John Kishline and Edward Morgan meet their Indian actress and discover her serendipitous connection to Milwaukee.

Angela Iannone peels Katharine Hepburn’s layers

Angela Iannone peels Katharine Hepburn’s layers

In Tandem Theatre brings Iannone back as Hepburn in "Tea at Five."