Related Press Releases - Page 2
Domestic Violence Task Force Co-Chairs Representatives Gwen Moore and Debbie Dingell Introduce Resolution Recognizing Intersection of Violence Against Women, Gun Violence, and Misogyny
During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Representatives Gwen Moore (WI-04) and Debbie Dingell (MI-06) introduced a resolution recognizing the intersection of violence against women, gun violence, and misogyny. In response, Representatives Gwen Moore and Debbie Dingell released the following statement:
Oct 31st, 2023 by U.S. Rep. Gwen MooreUplifting world premiere production DREAM, QUICKIE! DREAM! opens at Marcus Performing Arts Center’s Todd Wehr Theater this October
Inspired by the life of Donald Driver and celebrating the idea to dream big
Sep 7th, 2023 by First StageZilber Family Foundation Awards $3.7M in Grants to Milwaukee Nonprofits
Economic development through food access a key focus
May 31st, 2023 by Zilber Family FoundationBaldwin Joins Colleagues in Introducing Legislation to Combat the Child Care Crisis, Support Working Families
Over the last three decades, the cost of child care has increased by 220%
May 1st, 2023 by U.S. Sen. Tammy BaldwinSBA to Honor Wisconsin Small Businesses, Champions, and SBA Partners Receiving National Small Business Week Awards
SBA to Celebrate All Wisconsin Awardees During National Small Business Week May 1-7 with Award Presentations and Winners Panel Discussion at the Small Business Academy May 6
May 2nd, 2022 by Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corp.Spectrum Announces $40,000 in Spectrum Digital Education Grants for Milwaukee Nonprofits
Digital Bridge, YWCA Southeast Wisconsin to Provide Community with Digital Skills Training and Accessible Technology
Nov 2nd, 2021 by SpectrumCommon Council approves renaming of MFD administration building for its architect
Building will be named in honor of city and state’s first African American architect
Feb 9th, 2021 by Mayor Cavalier Johnson