Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation

1241 John Q Hammons Dr. # 201, Madison, WI 53717

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation is a business/organization located at 1241 John Q Hammons Dr. # 201 in Madison.

Business Info

  • 1241 John Q Hammons Dr. # 201 Madison, WI 53717
  • Website


Recent Press Releases Referencing Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation

Baldwin, Grassley Introduce Bill to Protect and Invest in Farmland Used for Renewable Energy Developments

Despite 83% of new solar projects being installed on farmland and ranchland, no current federal strategy exists for land management below solar arrays

Baldwin, Marshall Reintroduce Legislation to Improve Freight Rail Service for American Businesses

Bipartisan Reliable Rail Service Act will help Made in Wisconsin products get to market more efficiently and lower costs for working families

Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Improve Freight Rail Service for American Businesses

Baldwin’s Reliable Rail Service Act will help Made in America products get to market more efficiently and lower costs for consumers

People Associated With Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation