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Election Deniers Cause More Turmoil in Green Bay

Election Deniers Cause More Turmoil in Green Bay

Suit by Wisconsin Senate and Sen. Jacque challenges City Hall audio recording system.

Data Wonk: All About Wisconsin’s ‘Zuckerbucks’
Data Wonk

All About Wisconsin’s ‘Zuckerbucks’

If anything the funding helped Trump, election data suggests. So why are Republicans angry?

Referendums Seek To Block Election Grants From Zuckerberg, Others

Referendums Seek To Block Election Grants From Zuckerberg, Others

Four counties will ask voters nonbinding question regarding election grants.

Data Wonk: Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’
Data Wonk

Examining Michels ‘Blueprint For Elections’

The GOP businessman candidate for governor offers a very un-business like analysis.

Conservative Law Firm Tries To Stop Racine’s Voting Truck

Conservative Law Firm Tries To Stop Racine’s Voting Truck

Truck is used for mobile in-person absentee voting.

Another Judge Rejects Challenge to 2020 Election Grants

Another Judge Rejects Challenge to 2020 Election Grants

State law didn’t prohibit grants from Mark Zuckerberg-funded non-profit, judge rules.

Gathering To Spread the Big Lie

Gathering To Spread the Big Lie

‘Election Integrity’ event in Kenosha offers a cash bar and lots of debunked conspiracy theories.

Data Wonk: How Many Support Gableman Probe?
Data Wonk

How Many Support Gableman Probe?

And what percent in state are confident of election results?

Op Ed: Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’
Op Ed

Tim Michels Is No Political ‘Outsider’

Candidate for governor has long record of political donations, lobbying, state contracts.

Special Report: Who Is Conducting Gableman’s Investigation?
Special Report

Who Is Conducting Gableman’s Investigation?

Private lawyer and partisan group heavily involved in taxpayer funded election probe.

Data Wonk: Michael Gableman Versus The Facts
Data Wonk

Michael Gableman Versus The Facts

His report claims grants to 5 Wisconsin cities changed the 2020 election. Let’s examine the evidence.

Gableman Report About ‘Vibes and Feelings’

Gableman Report About ‘Vibes and Feelings’

Inflammatory 136-page report offers no new information on 2020 election, experts say.

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