Oshkosh Truck Looking At Leasing Janesville General Motors Plant
Our previous article on Janesville’s coming problems might not be as big of a problem as previously thought. Sources have confirmed that Oshkosh Truck has discussed with General Motors the possibility of leasing the Janesville plant along with utilizing the soon-to-be unemployed GM workforce.
A source detailed that Oshkosh Truck was looking at another facility near Janesville, but that deal ended around the time GM announced a major round of layoffs at the Janesville plant.
It’s important to note that this is just a rumor at this point, but multiple sources have been able to piece together details for us. This includes a confirmation that talks have actually taken place.
While not an issue directly affecting Milwaukee’s most urban neighborhoods, we thought it wise to follow-up on our previous article. We’re still not convinced that future for Janesville we described won’t come one day, but at the moment it appears Janesville will have a few years before any form of crisis may ensue.
Why does this story get a “Jim Doyle” category tag? Is he doing something to encourage this deal?
@Roland he was part of the original story and he will certainly play a part in this deal if it comes about.