State Rep. Dana Wachs
Press Release

Dana Wachs Challenges Gov. Walker’s Record on Jobs and the Economy

Wachs releases part two of #WIRemember campaign

By - Jan 23rd, 2018 11:42 am

EAU CLAIRE – Dana Wachs challenged Gov. Scott Walker’s record on the economy and jobs in advance of Walker’s State of the State address scheduled for Wednesday, January 24:

“For the last seven years, we’ve listened while Gov. Walker boasted about his impact on Wisconsin’s economy. I’ve got news for Gov. Walker: we remember the last seven years and we are not going to forget how his policies hurt Wisconsin workers. Walker repealed prevailing wage, driving down wages for workers. He pushed through Act 10, taking collective bargaining rights away from workers. Frankly, Scott Walker is the worst governor for Wisconsin workers in our state’s history.

“It’s time we start respecting workers in Wisconsin again. It’s time we invest in their training and opportunities. We can build a better Wisconsin and that starts with kicking Gov. Walker out of office.”

Wachs for Wisconsin launched a microsite this week highlighting Gov. Walker’s record on healthcare and other topics. New information will be added each day leading up to Walker’s State of the State address on Wednesday, January 24. Visit the site here.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release

Recent Press Releases by State Rep. Dana Wachs

Dana Wachs Stands with UPS Workers as They Vote to Authorize Strike of 260,000 Workers

"It’s about time that every worker be able to earn a fair, living wage at a safe job with decent working conditions."

Dana Wachs Gains Ballot Access Despite GOP Attempts to Disenfranchise Voters

"Their challenge was ridiculous and that’s why the Elections Commission rejected it."


  1. Terry says:

    Career politician and Big Government moocher Scott Walker’s Wisconsin, I mean, “Walker’s Wisissippi” is not thriving. Poverty rates in Wississippi are at 30 year highs. People are working, sure, for wage slave salaries with no benefits! Wissisippi has one of the fastet shrinking middle classes in the country now. Good, hard working educated people, particularly young educated people are indeed, fleeing the state. Why? Because of Walker and his abhorent socially conservative and fiscally destructive policies. Remember, if it were up to him, abortion would be illegal, gay marriage would be illegal and doobie smoking would continue to be a mortal threat to society itself. Nobody is buying it anymore Walker! So now he wants to try to bribe them back by spending 7 more million of taxpayers’ dollars. Not gonna happen. Wississippi is dead last in new business start ups and entrepreneurship. Wages and the economy, outside of what Walker and republican’s call “socialist” Dane County, which is actually thriving, lag our “socialist” neighbor to the west Minnesota, which is running circles around Wississippi economically and socially, attracting many of our best and brightest. And you know what? They did it all in a healthy bipartisan way, not by dividing the state and pursuing a bitter, partisan “divide and conquer” strategy that Walker employed ripping the social fabric of the state apart. Schools in Wississppi have been defunded. The best teachers are fleeing the state.
    The roads and infrastructure in Wississippi are crumbling and the state still has an unresolved one billion dollar and counting, DOT budget deficit.
    The republicans have unconstitutionally gerrymandered the state elections, destroying Democracy itself in the process. Voting rights and rates have in fact been seriously negatively impacted by the voter ID law. Walker and republicans’ policies loot and pillage our environment. The prisons in Wississippi are overflowing and the state cannot afford its prison industrial complex any longer. Anyone currently sitting in a cage for nonviolent drug “offenses” should be immediately released. The state desperately needs criminal justice and drug war reform, including ending cannabis prohibition which would add significant revenue and honor basic civil rights for all citizens. If the state is “thriving” why did Walker just hand over 4 BILLION of taxpayers’ money in corporate welfare to a Chinese company for soon to be obsolete, (via automation or innovation) mediocre jobs? Wississippi has been Foxconned by Walker!! This John Doe investigation into Walker and his aids (including those in prison for their past illegal activiyies) and the subsequent investigations are disconcerting all around, one might even say “greazy” to say the least. How much out of state big corporate money has Big Government moocher Walker taken? Is it true that the same money going to him and republicans is going to fund judicial seats? No wonder the “courts” throw out any ruling against him now! This is the same Scott Walker who just spoke at a far right wing conference featuring white nationalists and yes, it appears even a Nazi!
    Career politician Scott Walker did not create 250,000 jobs. He failed and rather than take personal responsibility he sold the state down the river and handed 4.5 Billion dollars in corporate welfare to a Taiwainese, ahem, Chinese company.

    Career politician Scott Walker is a jobs killer, a prosperity killer, a Democracy killer, a civil rights killer and a killer of Liberty and freedom itself. And now this con man and bought and paid for corporate shill wants to be “Governor for Life?” I think not!

    DUMP WALKER 2018!

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