Have a Happy Urbanist Black Friday!
Black Friday is just around the corner, and we want in with the Wal-Mart’s and Best Buy’s of the world. No we’re not opening a big box store at Pabst Farms, but we are unveiling a new feature on the site. If you’re one of those inquisitive types that likes to read books (or even someone that just likes to own books to look smart), please consider buying a book from our list of recommended urbanist books. A small amount from each sale goes to support Urban Milwaukee, and we promise to invest 100% of that money back into Milwaukee’s economy, likely at a tavern.
And if you’re feeling really generous, we still have Milwaukee Streetcar t-shirts for sale.
We promise to continually update the list, add a few specialized lists, review the latest books we’ve read, and bug you to buy stuff at least once every two months from now on. You’re welcome!
Have a great Thanksgiving!