Wisconsin Examiner

WI Pro-Life Groups Criticize RNC Platform For Dropping Federal Abortion Ban

Accusing GOP of weakening position on abortion for political expediency.

By , Wisconsin Examiner - Jul 9th, 2024 12:21 pm
Matt Sande of Pro-Life Wisconsin. Photo courtesy of Matt Sande.

Matt Sande of Pro-Life Wisconsin. Photo courtesy of Matt Sande.

Wisconsin anti-abortion groups are calling for tougher restrictions on abortion in the national Republican party platform, after the Republican National Committee’s platform committee decided Monday to drop federal abortion limits from its policy platform for the first time in over 40 years at the request of former President Donald Trump.

Draft platform  language now says that states should be allowed to make the decision to adopt policies limiting abortion. Next week, the Republican National Convention will meet in Milwaukee and finalize the adoption of its national party platform.

Pro-Life Wisconsin Legislative Director Matt Sande told the Wisconsin Examiner that the decision to leave out the language on federal abortion restrictions is “wrong.” He said the country is in the second stage of the fight after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and that the “patchwork” of abortion laws across the country cannot be the end.

“The pre-born baby should not lose their rights moving from state to state, so we do need a national goal. It should be upheld as a goal,” Sande said. “It should be in the platform. For them to just say, ‘No, we’re not going to deal with this at the federal level anymore. We’re deflecting this to the states.’ It’s a huge mistake.”

Sande said that the national party shouldn’t be watering down its position on abortion for political expediency.

“If that’s what the Republicans are doing with this, shame on that,” Sande said.

The Republican party has been struggling with the issue of abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade because Americans broadly support abortion access. According to a recent Pew poll, 63% of people say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% say it should be illegal in all or most cases. Trump, specifically, has said he no longer supports a national ban, despite previously saying he would support a 16-week nationwide ban.

Sande said that he thinks the party is taking abortion opponents for granted.

“They need every vote that they can get, and… they think they can water down positions, weaken positions, call for exceptions, say that it’s only up to the state… and then they think that the pro lifers are going to be enthused and turn out with with zest and zeal. They might not when they see this,” Sande said. “Ultimately, if they’re just going to keep watering this down, the pro-lifers are going to find another party.”

Gracie Skogman with Wisconsin Right To Life said in a statement that the organization’s efforts to “change hearts and minds to favor life” aren’t dependent on a political party, but that members do need people in office who are “willing to let children be born.” Skogman criticized the Biden administration and Democrats for their stance on abortion, and said the “Republican party reaffirms the value of preborn life and the vital importance of providing compassionate care to women and their preborn children.”

“We call on them to reaffirm this commitment and present the American people with a contrast between pro-abortion extremism and love and support for both women and their preborn children,” Skogman stated.

WI anti-abortion groups critical of RNC committee for dropping federal abortion ban from platform was originally published by Wisconsin Examiner.

One thought on “WI Pro-Life Groups Criticize RNC Platform For Dropping Federal Abortion Ban”

  1. TosaGramps1315 says:

    The anti-abortion groups don’t need to worry about the sudden softening of the party platform language. To Frump and the rest of his henchmen they are just words. Words to them, whether screamed out loud repeatedly, or written within a document, mean nothing. All they care about is votes, and they will lie, cheat, and steal to get them. And if they win in November they will implement Project 2025, which Frump has conveniently forgotten he partially authored. In other words, they will do whatever the hell they want to do, regardless of what their party platform states.

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