Wisconsin Public Radio

Vos Critics Submit Recall Petitions Again

They claim to have more than 9,000 signatures. Earlier effort this year to recall Assembly Speaker Robin Vos fell short.

By , Wisconsin Public Radio - May 28th, 2024 06:09 pm
Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. File photo by Coburn Dukehart/Wisconsin Watch.

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. File photo by Coburn Dukehart/Wisconsin Watch.

For the second time this year, conservative critics of Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos say they’ve submitted thousands of signatures to force a recall election of the powerful Republican, though it remains unclear whether their latest effort will succeed or again fall short.

Standing outside the downtown Madison office of the Wisconsin Elections Commission Tuesday, recall organizers said they had gathered more than 9,000 signatures to recall Vos. But organizers said they circulated petitions in Vos’ old 63rd Assembly District, which was part of a legislative map declared unconstitutional last year by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The initial recall was launched in January by outspoken supporters of former President Donald Trump, who were angry with Vos for criticizing Trump and for blocking an effort to impeach WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe. That effort failed after the bipartisan members of the Elections Commission voted unanimously that organizers failed to submit enough signatures.

Organizers launched a second recall in late March, arguing Vos “should be recalled for his tacit support of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),” a “lack of election integrity” and “flagrant disrespect for his own constituents by calling them ‘whack-jobs, morons and idiots.’” Those insults and others were lobbed at recall organizers by Vos after it was clear the first recall attempt was headed for failure.

Number of signatures, where gathered, key to recall

Whether this latest recall effort succeeds will depend on how many signatures organizers gathered and — just as importantly — where they gathered them.

Under Wisconsin’s recall law, organizers need to gather a number of signatures from residents of Vos’ district equal to 25 percent of the number of people who voted in the last election for governor. That number varies from district to district.

In Vos’ old 63rd Assembly District, which was struck down by the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s liberal majority as unconstitutional in December, 6,850 signatures would have been needed to force a recall.

Under replacement maps passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Tony Evers, Vos’ new seat is the 33rd Assembly District. There, the WEC has said organizers would need 7,195 signatures to force a recall election.

Because organizers would have fallen short in either of the districts for the first recall attempt, the WEC rejected the effort, but the agency never declared which district lines should be used in any subsequent recalls before the November election. The WEC did ask the Wisconsin Supreme Court to weigh in on the matter, but the court declined.

Michael Gableman at a press conference on May 28, 2024. Shawn Johnson/WPR

Michael Gableman at a press conference on May 28, 2024. Shawn Johnson/WPR

With petitions filed, challenge clock begins

Vos has 10 days to challenge signatures that were collected. During the first recall attempt, he submitted affidavits from people who claimed their signatures were collected through deceit or outright forgery.

The Elections Commission has 31 days to decide whether the petition has enough valid signatures. Whatever it decides can be challenged in court.

Should a recall election be ordered, and Vos be defeated, he would have to leave office, but he would still be able to run for the Assembly again as part of the 2024 election cycle.

That could potentially set up a scenario where Vos faces recall and general election primaries just a week apart.

For the second time this year, Vos critics submit recall petitions was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio.

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2 thoughts on “Vos Critics Submit Recall Petitions Again”

  1. rubiomon@gmail.com says:

    Let’s settle this once and for all; a Vos- Gableman cage match- to the finish! On Wisconsin!!

  2. DAGDAG says:

    I love seeing VOS put through the ringer with this. After all, he’s done it to others in the past (or at least fueled it over the years to put other elected and appointed people through it). Even better…it is being done on behalf of the former guys vindictiveness. So much for kissing that orange rump and now having him turn on you, ainna hey Mr. VOSS? It could not happen to a more deserving politician. Watch out for oncoming busses.

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