Five Years After Settlement, Racial Disparities Remain In MPD’s Practices
Black residents remain far more likely to be stopped while driving, subjected to interview or stop-and-frisk exam.

A recent report found that significant racial and ethnic disparities in police stops by the Milwaukee Police Department persist. (File photo by NNS)
It’s been seven years since Stephen Jansen was a plaintiff in the American Civil Liberties Union’s landmark Collins lawsuit against the City of Milwaukee over the police department’s unlawful stop-and-frisk policies and five years since a settlement in the case was reached.
Jansen, co-chair of the Community Collaborative Commission, is still waiting for several terms of that settlement to be met, particularly one that mandates an end to racial bias in stops by Milwaukee police.
A September report by the Crime and Justice Institute, which tracks the Milwaukee Police Department’s compliance with the Collins settlement, found that Black residents in Milwaukee of typical driving age were 4.5 times more likely to be stopped than whites; 10 times more likely to be subjected to a field interview; and eight times more likely to be subjected to a frisk-type encounter.
“The report made real the disparity between the policing that takes place in different communities based on color and concerns that people have in our community about policing,” Jansen said. “It’s a call for action to make real the type of social justice in police reform that we’ve been seeking.”
He said he wants to see more officers of color, police training data that’s available to residents, more mental health support embedded in the police department and a real community policing plan.
In addition to an end to racial bias in stop-and-frisks and other police encounters, the Collins settlement also mandates more rigorous data collection, training for officers and discipline for those who demonstrate bias or fail to document stops, among other terms.
MPD reached compliance on several other terms of the settlement , including implementing a better system to track and process complaints; training related to constitutional stops; investigating complaints; and performing more audits of data. The department has also made progress in other areas, including measures related to diversity, supervision and discipline and its work with the Community Collaborative Committee to host community meetings in different aldermanic districts.
MPD Responds
MPD issued a statement to NNS that acknowledged the racial disparities that exist in the city and nation.
The MPD has secured funds from the city to conduct additional analysis to better understand why disparities in police stops continue, according to the CJI report.
The deadline to reach full compliance with the settlement was originally five years, but ACLU officials now say they will monitor compliance until it is reached for five consecutive years.
Call For Urgency
The report also cited a need for more urgency by the department to mend its relationship with the community. It states that in 2024 the department should develop a community engagement plan that helps create a culture of trust and respect between the MPD and the community.
“It is essential to include in that community plan what they have heard in community meetings and partnership with the CCC,” the report noted.
The CCC tried unsuccessfully to have the city fund a survey by a nonpartisan group that gathers input from community members on stop-and-frisks.
Jansen said city leaders balked at that plan and are also to blame for not mandating the types of changes needed to move the MPD toward compliance with the settlement.
“It’s not just local community leaders who should be pushing for change but the Common Council and the mayor spearheading the kind of police reform that we need,” he said.
Milwaukee city leaders, including Mayor Cavalier Johnson, have not issued public responses to the latest CJI report.
Olga Akselrod, a senior staff attorney in the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, said: “The city has certainly made progress with regards to its systems for documentation and supervision of policing as well as in establishing policies that are really important to constitutional policing.”
Nevertheless, she said, MPD is still conducting unconstitutional stops at rates that violate the terms of the agreement.
“We are looking at steps we can take to improve compliance,” Akselrod said. “It’s important to point out that the problems in policing will require a multitude of different strategies.”
She also called on local officials to do more.
“The city receives these reports,” Akselrod said. “The city should absolutely be making sure that the MPD is accountable for the findings in the report.”
Challenges Persist
Amanda Merkwae, advocacy director for the ACLU of Wisconsin, said one major challenge for the city is complying with Act 12.
She said Act 12 eliminated the ability of the Fire and Police Commission, or FPC, in Milwaukee to set policy changes and also took away the avenue for Milwaukee residents to weigh in on changes to standard operating procedures before they go into effect.
As for Jansen, he said he’s tired of waiting for real change to happen in the city. He wants political leaders in Milwaukee to do what it takes to make those changes happen.
“All of our elected officials need to be actively involved in this, because it’s not just an issue of MPD accountability,” Jansen said. “These issues have existed for decades, and I cannot see anyone running for office or in office without being asked about their plans for reforms of the police department.”
Advocates push for more urgency to end MPD’s unconstitutional stop-and-frisks. was originally published by the Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service.
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I wholeheartedly agree with the need for police reform and increased accountability. Diversity in the police force, transparent training data, more mental health support, and a comprehensive community policing plan are crucial steps toward building trust and ensuring the safety of our communities. However, I find it important to question the relevancy of racial disparity in police stops. The goal should not necessarily be equalizing stops across all racial identities but rather addressing and eliminating the disproportionate targeting of certain communities.
Efforts should be focused on promoting fair and unbiased policing, ensuring that law enforcement engages with communities in a way that fosters trust and collaboration. While racial disparities in stops can be indicative of systemic issues that need attention. The aim is not to enforce an arbitrary quota for stops across different racial groups but rather to address any implicit biases, discrimination, or profiling that may exist within the system. The ultimate goal is a police force that is just, transparent, and dedicated to preserving the peace while treating all individuals with dignity and respect.
Great remarks by Goya above that I totally agree with. It has never been clear to me as to what metrics were being used to measure what. If this is a straight comparison of police actions by race of driver, there is something wrong with this.picture and expectations of change. Do the metrics include crime density in the area of the stop and relationship to crimes called in as committed? Unlicensed vehicles? Driver and driving behavior? If so, I have never seen that expressed.
No one walks to anything today including crimes. Is there a disparity in crimes committed? Do all races commit crimes equally? The news about shootings, murders, reckless driving, stollen cars, certainly doesn’t show that. So do I believe what I see or what I am told?
It would certainly make this issue clearer if it was presented fairly and openly and I am not referring to this news story
Accountability is something the city of Milwaukee lacks in spades.
It does not matter what the outrage of the week is. Nothing happens.
Whether it is Bevan Baker or Tearman Spencer, the big news is made,
politicians make speeches and by the next day, all is forgotten.