Sophie Bolich

World Naked Bike Ride Returns In June

Third annual, clothing-optional event streaks through Milwaukee on June 24.

By - Feb 3rd, 2023 12:09 pm
2023 World Naked Bike Ride Milwaukee flier.

2023 World Naked Bike Ride Milwaukee flier.

The Barenaked Ladies caused a stir earlier this week in announcing plans to visit Milwaukee this upcoming June. Well, there’s more — of a sort — where that came from.

On June 24, just a few weeks after the Canadian pop rock band’s performance, Milwaukee’s third installment of the World Naked Bike Ride will roll through the city streets.

Technically a 1st Amendment protest, the annual event aims to promote body positivity, cyclist awareness and energy independence via a clothing-optional, “bare as you dare” community bike ride. It’s part of an international series of rides that date back to 2004.

The first Milwaukee ride took place in September 2021 with more than 200 estimated participants.

As in past years, 2023 participants will follow a 13-to-15-mile, predetermined route. The start and end location, as well as information about post-ride celebrations will be announced at a later date.

The ride is open to everyone, and there is no fee or registration required; however, organizers note that donations are appreciated. The event also needs volunteers.

Participants do not need to ride a bike, but cannot use a gas-powered vehicle.

Those wishing to ride fully clothed can participate in the United Performing Arts Fund‘s Ride for the Arts, which is set for June 4, 2023. It includes a trip over the Hoan Bridge.

Prefer to spectate a high-performing cyclists race? The Tour of America’s Dairyland series runs for 11 days in the later half of June. The Bay View Classic is scheduled for June 22, while the Downer Avenue race takes place the same day as the naked bike ride.

More information on the Milwaukee event will be available on the event website.

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