UW System Circulating Free Speech Survey Again This Fall
Privately funded survey drew criticism in the past, and led to resignation of one University Chancellor.

Van Hise Hall on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus Friday, April 2, 2021, in Madison, Wis. Angela Major/WPR
A campus free speech survey that spurred the resignation of a University of Wisconsin System chancellor will be sent to students at all state colleges this fall, according UW System President Jay Rothman.
The privately funded survey had been set to be emailed to students in April. A copy asked students what they know about First Amendment free speech rights, how much they value them and whether they’ve felt pressured by a professor to agree with a political or ideological opinion in class.
But during an appearance on WKOW’s Capitol City Sunday, Rothman confirmed it will be sent to students before the end of the year.
“The survey will take place this fall, and we will see what the results bring,” said Rothman. “We are, and I am in particular, very much focused on protecting freedom of expression, of protecting academic freedom, but also modeling civil discourse and debate.”
A spokesperson for the UW System told Wisconsin Public Radio more specifics about the status of survey may be released later this week or early next week.
Rothman said he believes free speech and freedom of expression is “vibrant on the campuses” but UW leaders have to continue focusing on that and the “concept of civil discourse.”
“They (students) need to be able to ask questions and not be labeled as a result of the questions they may ask,” said Rothman. “If they’re asking those questions in good faith and there’s good dialogue going on, we all learn from each other. It’s important to understand how other people view the world.”
A similar student survey in Florida, mandated by a 2021 statute signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis was largely ignored by students. Of the more than 368,000 students who received the survey, fewer than 9,000 responded for a response rate of 2.4%.
Earlier this month, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education — a campus civil liberties watchdog group— released results from a national survey of 45,000 students. Those students reportedly fear speaking out on campus. Of respondents, 63% worried about damaging their reputation because of comments being misinterpreted by others. Conservative students had the most concerns about expressing opinions freely on campus, according to the survey.
UW System to send campus free speech survey to students this fall was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio