Jeramey Jannene
Eyes on Milwaukee

St. Augustine Building Elementary School On Entire City Block

$49 million building will create city's largest school campus, serving 2,400 pupils.

By - Jun 8th, 2022 08:25 pm

$49 million building will create city's largest school campus, serving 2,400 pupils. Back to the full article.

Photos - Page 2


  1. dmkrueger2 says:

    Well done Gus – people are flocking to what you are offering. That’s a sign of an unbroken model.

  2. Mingus says:

    Billionaires often have a vanity calling with a need to “save society” by promoting their own version of religion, economics, the government, and social issues. In Wisconsin they can proselytize students by starting their own school financed by the school choice program at $8500 per student or a total of $20,400,000 when St. Augustine’s is at capacity. This amount is larger than the budgets of most school districts in the State and is simply a government handout for organized religion with almost no accountability standards in comparison with public education. It is persons like Mr. Ramirez who are always working to elect politicians who continually oppose adequate funding of public education

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