How Vos Pushes The Big Lie
Claiming election irregularities, undermining election officials, hiring a GOP expert in smears.

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. File photo by Coburn Dukehart / Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism.
Soon after the November 2020 election results came in Assembly Speaker and Rep. Robin Vos (R-Rochester) began his assault on truth. He saluted his own election victory in his gerrymandered district as “a repudiation of Tony Evers leadership style.” Yet he also claimed there were election irregularities in Wisconsin while offering no evidence of this.
How could the election be so vindicating and yet untrustworthy? A mere detail for Vos, whose goal was to promote the Big Lie of election fraud pushed by Donald Trump. Vos called for the state Assembly to investigate the November election and just to make sure it came up with right results, he appointed Janel Brandtjen to head the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, replacing the more moderate Rep. Ron Tusler. Brandtjen had sent a letter to her constituents charring that “There is no doubt that… Donald Trump won this election in Wisconsin and several methods of fraud were used to change the outcome.”
The Elections Commission was established by a change in law by Vos and Republican legislators, to get a commission more to their liking. And the commission, which does an annual report on fraud, has repeatedly found few cases. Its report on the November 2020 election found just 13 possible cases of fraud out of 3.3 million votes.
in short, no evidence of widespread fraud, as Trump and other Republicans repeatedly claimed. Republican Dean Knudson, a member of the Wisconsin Elections Commission appointed by Vos, flatly rejected these claims: “There has been no credible evidence presented to the Elections Commission that any of these problems occurred in Wisconsin,” Knudsen said.
Several suits filed in courts by Republicans all were thrown out, with judges finding no reason to question the election results. Former Gov. Scott Walker declared that any recount was unlikely to change the results because Wisconsin elections were so accurate. Sure enough, recounts in Dane and Milwaukee counties found the results were accurate and had actually undercounted Democrat Joe Biden’s 20,000 vote margin total by 87 votes.
But the repeated claims by Trump, Vos and other Republicans had convinced many Republican voters that fraud had occurred. Republican lawmakers noted they had received thousands of complaints of this from constituents. And so the the Wisconsin State Journal reviewed all the complaints, requested through the Wisconsin open records law, and found “the majority of them, however, were mass-generated form letters making nonspecific claims about alleged irregularities, a right-wing fraud-finding effort and a clip from Fox’s Sean Hannity show.” The newspaper “was able to identify just 28 allegations of election fraud or other irregularities that were specific enough to attempt to verify, but could only partially substantiate one.”
The latest move by Vos is a classic: he announced he was hiring retired police officers to investigate the November election. They will be asked to look at how some local governments spend foundation grants to help conduct elections — something Republicans have already challenged in court only to have judges strike down the complaint. The ex-cops may also look into claims of double voting, something the Elections Commission does every year and has never found a major problem, as Vos’ appointee to the commission has noted. And they will review how clerks fixed absentee ballot credentials — something adjudicated in several court cases, with judges throwing out the complaints.
Vos did not disclose who these police officers would be, but then went on talk radio with O’Donnell and confirmed that Mike Sandvick, a retired Milwaukee police detective, was hired.
“In all honesty, he has Republican leanings,” Vos told The Associated Press in an interview. “He’s been active in the Republican Party.”
And before that Sandvick was notorious for a report he did in 2008 claiming election fraud in Milwaukee. As Scott Bauer reported, “the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Attorney’s office and the FBI all disavowed the report. In 2013, U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman did not allow the report to be admitted as evidence in a lawsuit over Wisconsin’s voter ID law, saying it was not trustworthy.”
Vos has yet to reveal who the other two retired officers are, but their agenda is clear: make the same kind of claims Sandvick and Vos have made in the past, of voting irregularities, without worrying over much about the truth. The goal is not election integrity, but to continue to fuel doubts about Wisconsin’s elections, to justify unneeded legislation Republicans are pushing that is intended to suppress the vote in Democratic-leaning cities. That’s why the Big Lie must be repeated over and over.
More about the 2020 General Election
- Senator Agard Statement on Senator Knodl’s Continued Relitigation of the 2020 Presidential Election - Dane County Executive Melissa Agard - Aug 29th, 2023
- Report Calls For Criminally Charging State’s Fake Electors - Henry Redman - Dec 19th, 2022
- Vos Withdraws Subpoenas, Ends Gableman Probe - Henry Redman - Aug 30th, 2022
- Judge Blasts Gableman Probe, Deleted Records - Henry Redman - Aug 17th, 2022
- Vos Fires Gableman, Ends Election Probe - Shawn Johnson - Aug 14th, 2022
- Judge Orders Gableman To Pay $163,000 In Legal Fees - Rich Kremer - Aug 2nd, 2022
- Prosecute 2020 Fake Electors, Advocates Demand - Erik Gunn - Aug 1st, 2022
- Trump Calls For Nullification of Wisconsin’s 2020 Election - Henry Redman - Jul 12th, 2022
- Legal Fight Over Gableman Probe Keeps Growing - Shawn Johnson - Jun 30th, 2022
- Back In the News: Fake Elector Scheme Dogs Ron Johnson - Bruce Murphy - Jun 28th, 2022
Read more about 2020 General Election here
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Robin Vos working to expand the power of the white race.
I’m starting to be more and more concerned that Rep. Vos appears to be mentally unbalanced. His actions are based on superstition, magical thinking and a very poor grasp of reality. I am hoping that voters will step up to assist that he be recalled and/or forced to step down before he does any more damage to our democracy. Wisconsin voters deserve better. We deserve someone who operates with integrity and ethical practices. I’m not sure Rep. Vos has a clue what those words mean. He has become an embarrassment to not only Wisconsin but to our nation.
Please encourage this man to get help.
To expand a bit on Godzilla’s comment. First, it is a measure of the moral collapse of the Republican Party that Robin Vos is not an outlier. He is in the Party’s anti-democratic and now racist mainstream, part of a movement that is undermining democracy because they believe that they are entitled to rule, even if they cannot secure majorities and have no interest in governing.
Nor is Vos an ideologue. He is something more dangerous, as are many of his fellow Republican officeholders. He is an opportunist, someone who, though not being very bright, is capable of going along with anything. For example, he would almost certainly support General Flynn’s support for a Myanmar-style coup and its attendant massacres in the United States, which got wild applause at the recent rally. And for Trump’s reported communications with extremist militias and his assertions that he will be back in the White House in August.
They don’t ring a bell when you reach the point of no return. In a country that is armed to the teeth, avoiding a civil conflict, which could quickly become open-ended and fatally splinter the country on racial and geographic lines is becoming as important as avoiding nuclear conflict. Robin Vos is a little minnow in this sea of lies and evil, but there should be a consequence for what he is doing to kill our democracy. As a historian has said, “We should always beware that what now lies in the past once lay in the future.” If he actually thought, Robin Vos might want to think about that quote.
Amen to the first 3 posts. Vos is out of tune, out of touch and out of his mind. He is all about himself, with no regard for democracy.
The problem with Vos and most other Republicans today? Their hearts continue to beat long after any sense of decency they may have once possessed has died. If they weren’t all such profoundly religious defenders of the right to life , I’d be inclined to believe that their poor treatment of those in need lacked a theological basis.
Robin Vos is driving the once-great state of Wisconsin into the ground.
Too bad he reflects the fears and ignorance of his district.
There are no depths to which the current republican party in WI will not sink.
Money for themselves and their enablers as well as ‘power’ are their lodestones. No state constitution or oath of office will deny them their path to fascism.