Jeramey Jannene
Eyes on Milwaukee

“The Yards” Design Gets a Thumbs Up

A "gorgeous building" with "really nice design elements," one commissioner raves.

By - Mar 13th, 2018 03:34 pm

A "gorgeous building" with "really nice design elements," one commissioner raves. Back to the full article.

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4 thoughts on “Eyes on Milwaukee: “The Yards” Design Gets a Thumbs Up”

  1. IzzyDidIt says:

    Question, what is going to become of the alley-way underpass adjacent to the site? Hopefully there will be lighting to make it more welcoming/safe. As it looks now, it seems as though the city will vacate that alley, or is this actually part of the private property?

  2. Sam says:

    I don’t get the praise. This looks substantially like every other apartment project going up in town, save for the corner flourish. “Urban feel” aside, I hope those units have some sound proofing as the architect implies.

    It looks like the city would vacate the alley from the renderings, but it’s hard to tell because there is no measurement indicated.

  3. Sam says:


    Ah, I found it in the the first “plans” image. The entire East/West Distance says 248 feet and indicates a new “proposed west property line”. That would have the building going into the parking lot to the west from a quick Google map distance measurement.

  4. IzzyDidIt says:


    Thanks for the clarification, it’s a shame to lose that passageway, it could be a cool “Art-way” similar to the Valley passage by Urban Ecology center. I use the passage regularly to get to the Brix building. It could’ve also been a nice outdoor patio space for a future cafe or other commercial user. Oh well!

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