Brett Hulsey’s Crazy Campaign for Governor
The unorthodox Democrat says he will be the next governor, but he's invisible in the polls.
Brett Hulsey arrives for an interview at a downtown Madison cafe and points to the loafers on his feet.
“The Associated Press accused me of running a shoestring campaign,” he announces with a gap-toothed grin, before setting the record straight. “I can’t afford shoestrings.”
Brett Hulsey: “I’m in it to win.”
Hulsey, a state representative with a reputation for odd behavior, is quixotically seeking the Democratic nomination for governor in the Aug. 12 primary, against former state Commerce secretary and Trek Bicycle executive Mary Burke. The winner will face Republican incumbent Scott Walker this fall.
“I’m in it to win,” insists Hulsey, who is not seeking re-election to his Assembly seat, for which he faced in-party opposition. “I will be governor.”
Such proclamations from this dark-horse contender — whose campaign almost certainly cannot afford a horse — smack of delusion. Hulsey, who has reported raising less than $2,500, all but $288 from himself, is up against well-backed rivals who intend to spend millions. (Hulsey expects to raise and spend between $10,000 and $20,000 overall.)
Hulsey has further hurt his cause with such stunts as threatening to hand out KKK-style hoods at the state Republican convention. “He’s not a serious candidate,” said Dane County Democratic Party Chairman Mike Basford. Walker has called Hulsey’s candidacy “entertaining.”
The latest Marquette Law School poll, released July 23, found that fewer than 1 percent of respondents planned to vote for anyone other than Walker or Burke. Hulsey, in advance of this poll, thought he might get 10 percent.
Despite not being a viable candidate, Hulsey is mounting an earnest campaign, even working the cafe patrons, one of whom flatly declares, “I’m not voting for you.” An energy and environmental consultant who served 14 years on the Dane County Board and was elected to the state Assembly in 2010, Hulsey churns out frequent press releases on a wide range of topics.
Health care. Jobs. Green energy. Education. Natural resource preservation. Hulsey is not a nincompoop; he understands the issues and has ideas on what to do. Whether these are good ideas is open to debate.
Hulsey, who bills himself in his campaign literature as the “real Democrat” in the race, says Burke does not have what it takes to win: “She’s not strong, she’s not quick, she’s not smart.” He sees her record at Trek, which has outsourced jobs to China, as a liability.
“By the time Walker and the Republicans are done with her, you will think every job that was lost in Wisconsin was because Mary Burke personally sent it to China,” Hulsey says.
Hulsey rips Burke’s support for making public employees pay more toward their health care and pension costs. He vows to “immediately” restore these benefits, saying these were fairly negotiated over decades in lieu of pay increases.
He’d also undo cuts in state aid to public schools, the state university system and technical colleges and invest $700 million “making government buildings energy efficient while creating jobs.”
Hulsey says all this can be done without tax hikes by tapping into the $2 billion he calculates Walker is passing up in available federal funds through 2021, mostly in Medicaid assistance.
Burke spokesman Joe Zepecki declines comment on Hulsey: “We’re focused on November, and Scott Walker, as we have been all along.” Hulsey is not stingy when it comes to offering his two cents to Burke’s campaign.
“Don’t be Scott Walker lite,” he advises. “Give people a real choice. Stand up and fight.”
And what, pray tell, will Hulsey do if — make that when — Burke emerges as the Democratic nominee? “I will endorse her and I will do all I can to beat Scott Walker.”
Bill Lueders is the Money and Politics Project director at the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism ( The Center produces the project in partnership with MapLight.
The Center collaborates with Wisconsin Public Radio, Wisconsin Public Television, other news media and the UW-Madison School of Journalism and Mass Communication. All works created, published, posted or disseminated by the Center do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of UW-Madison or any of its affiliates.
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He pitched to a few of us that had gathered. I’m uncomfortable with his tactics, there is no doubt and no one considers him seriously. But I will say this, by chance I saw him leave and as he was walking to his car, he spotted some people moving that clearly needed help. He dropped everything,walked over and helped them until they were finished. After that, I refuse to take any shots at him. Not that I am unhappy with Burke but I am a little ticked that a very small group at the top of the party anointed her as the candidate. Maybe he is reacting to that, because that IS what has happened here.
This entire article, from the title to the ultimate line, is drenched in biased, unintelligent and unprofessional language.
So, the Democratic Party bosses come together, and anoint the richest person they could find who wants to run with a “D” in front of their name, and expect their entire flock to vote for them, no matter what. It is extremely undemocratic.
Mary Burke is Scott Walker-lite. Mary Burke is Wisconsin’s Mitt Romney. Just like Romney was not a hardcore conservative fan-favorite, and got the nomination solely because he had the most amount of money, Burke will get the nomination, not because she has the most progressive values, but because she has the money. I hope, and I am not a conservative, just like Romney, Burke loses.
This happens in both parties. The establishment and the party bosses have long since sold out; they handpick a candidate with tons of money, and push a real conservative or a real progressive to the sidelines. And the media lets them do it, by writing such unprofessional, biased, lob-sided articles, keeping the public misinformed, and helping the party bosses along the way.
We can either indulge more in our ignorance by celebrating such articles and believing them to portray reality, or we can stop listening to the lamestream media, and do our own research, and vote based on that. I choose to do the latter.
Walker has been an awful governor. Outsourcer-in-Chief, Mary Burke, will do things little different. If we want to change things fundamentally, we need to elect a candidate that is fundamentally different from the one in office.
Don’t let the media tell you lies about Brett Hulsey. Do your own research, and find out his positions.
I am voting for Hulsey in the primaries. IF Burke wins the nomination, at this stage, I am unsure whether I’d vote for her. I know this election will be a close one. If that means Walker wins, I am OK with that. There is little difference between Walker and Burke.