Chris Larson’s Simple Colonial Home
The state senator has less than 1,000 square feet of space to call home. But he does have good bus service.
The state senator has less than 1,000 square feet of space to call home. But he does have good bus service. Back to the full article.
A snow-bedecked birdbath awaits warmer weather at the residence of Sen. Christopher Larson as a neighbor's Fraxinus americana shades the roof. A pair of Taxus baccata set off the utilitarian porch with a whimsical canopy that surmounts the Home's principal entrance, and announces: I am arrived!
A snow-bedecked birdbath awaits warmer weather at the residence of Sen. Christopher Larson as a neighbor's Fraxinus americana shades the roof. A pair of Taxus baccata set off the utilitarian porch with a whimsical canopy that surmounts the Home's principal entrance, and announces: I am arrived! Photo taken January 11th, 2014 by Michael Horne.