Hispanics Could Be Critical in Governor’s Race
And Walker is reaching out to them.
Candidates for governor next year will do all they can to win the votes of Wisconsin Hispanics.
Item: Republican Gov. Scott Walker scored points speaking to more than 600 at the Oct. 12 “Hispanic of the Year” banquet in Milwaukee when he gave a speech. Since his appearance had not been promoted, it “pleasantly surprised” the guests, one event planner noted.
Item: Jessie Rodriguez, a Hispanics for Choice activist from Franklin, became the first Republican Latina elected to the Legislature last Tuesday.
“I congratulate her, for it is another indicator of how Latinos are increasing their role in Wisconsin politics and public policy formation,” said Dr. Enrique Figueroa, director of UW-Milwaukee’s Roberto Hernandez Center and the top campus adviser on Hispanic issues.
Census Bureau figures say Hispanics made up 6.2% of all Wisconsin residents in 2012. The national Hispanic population then was 16.9%.
But Hispanics made up more than 12% of voters in three Wisconsin counties: Milwaukee, 13.9%; Kenosha, 12.2%, and Racine, 12%. Hispanics were 4.2% of Dodge County’s population.
Those numbers suggest that Hispanic voters could play a decisive role in electing the next governor – an election a Marquette Law School poll says could be very close. In the October poll, Walker led the only announced Democratic, Mary Burke, by only 2 percentage points, 47% to 45%. The poll had a margin of error of 3.5%.
But Hispanic voter turnout has traditionally been low, said Marquette Law School pollster and professor Charles Franklin. For example, Franklin said:
*In 2010, 1.7% of all Wisconsin voters were Hispanic, and 39% of them voted. That compared to 54% turnout statewide.
*In 2012, 2.2% of all Wisconsin voters were Hispanic, and 44% of them voted. That compared to 74% turnout statewide.
It means, Franklin said, “Hispanics still are not a large percentage of the state’s voters, but there is also potential for significant increases in turnout among Hispanics citizens.”
Figuero said Rodriquez’s election made Wisconsin political history.
It will also be interesting to watch how Rodriquez’s Assembly record differs from that of Democratic Rep. JoCasta Zamarripa, of Milwaukee, the first Democratic Latina. Zamarripa was elected to the Legislature in 2010.
Figueroa said Wisconsin Hispanics will closely follow several issues in the 2014 race for governor.
Immigration reform: “If reform has not been passed by Congress, then Latino voters will want to know the position of candidates with respect to reform,” Figueroa said. “If reform has been passed, then the position of the candidates in the immigration debate will be important as well.”
Part of that controversy is over whether children of undocumented Hispanics should pay in-state college tuition. Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle fought for that change, and signed it into law. Walker’s first budget rescinded it, however.
Also, candidates for governor next year will also be asked about another Doyle proposal that never became law: Issuing Wisconsin drivers’ licenses to undocumented Hispanics.
Education: Figueroa said Hispanics want to know about funding for K-12 and higher education, positions on School Choice, the “quality and access” of education for adults, and job-creation plans.
Wealth gap: The “distribution of wealth and tax policy for addressing the increasing disparities between the 1% and the 99% of Americans” is an issue for Hispanics, Figueroa added.
Affordable Care Act: “Depending on how well ObamaCare has been accepted in other states, was (Walker’s position) the appropriate one as it has affected Latinos in the state?” Figueroa said. Walker, and Republicans who control the Legislature, refused to take federal cash to expand Medicaid to more low-income Wisconsin residents.
“Latinos are the most uninsured or underinsured population in the country,” said one Dane County Hispanic leader, who asked to not be identified because Walker and Burke want his endorsement. “We are a younger, child-bearing population. Access is important. Coverage is, too.”
Latino advisers: Hispanics want to see Latinos on campaign teams and on officials’ staffs, and know that Latinos will be heard when policy decisions are debated and made, Figueroa said. “How will respect and appreciation to/for Wisconsin Latinos be manifested?
It angers some Hispanics that Walker has no Hispanic cabinet secretary in his administration.
Steven Walters is a senior producer for the nonprofit public affairs channel WisconsinEye. Email stevenscwalters@gmail.com
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In a state so divided politically, where the margin is razor thin, the Republicans may have done themselves serious damage by making it much more difficult for people to register to vote, and to actually vote. This voter suppression was aimed at poor urban blacks, who rarely vote Republican. But it also will affect the Latinos, who, if you can get them to vote, are more likely to support Republicans than blacks as the data shows.
Ethical implications aside Mr. Horne, if your premise were true, the likelihood of “suppressing” an African American vote for a Democrat is probably much higher then that of missing out on a vote for a republican by a Hispanic voter. I’m neither supporting that position, nor agreeing that is what is taking place… I’m just sayin’…