Zipcars for the Masses
By-the-hour car rental firm unveils huge expansion, adding 29 vehicles to Milwaukee with possibly more to come.
By-the-hour car rental firm unveils huge expansion, adding 29 vehicles to Milwaukee with possibly more to come. Back to the full article.
zipcars were in Portland OR. 10 years ago.
the question one should ask is why did it take so long to get to Milwaukee.
or is this an indicator that we really are 10 years behind.
Great constructive comment harvey! Did you ever think a mentality like yours is the problem?
Harvey, really? Who cares? What’s the point in criticizing Milwaukee making strides? I guess we’ll be criticized if we make forward progression or if we don’t, huh? How about us all celebrating a small victory like this? Yourway of thinking is toxic.
Approximately 2 years ago I encouraged Zip Car to consider adding 3 accessible minivans to the fleet. This would provide a potent option for families with members with disabilities and would also be available to people not requiring this feature. This would be of great benefit to people without the means, or need, for a private ramp equipped vehicle. I would welcome other voices joined with mine to encourage this idea.
So I’m a zipcar member, and happy about them adding cars. But isn’t it odd that they hold a press conference at their new spots….right outside a bar? For what it’s worth, the company requires drivers to have a clean record. And a DUI would revoke your membership. I can just see it though…someone will be getting out of the bar and see their zipcar sitting unused and pull out their phone to sign it out.